Small bits and tidbits, continued.
I have now identified 21 wriggler hrp fry that are growing nicely and hanging out in their favorite area. They nosh on algae over the back wall. They also get smashed pellets and krill powder. This group is from Speck and Slade's second batch.
The teenagers in the growout are getting bigger. A few of them are now larger than mama Speck but they have a ways to go to catch Slade.
Pretty quiet for the most part in Lazarus's tank. Everyone chills in their 'apartment logs'. Arrow is the most outgoing and often patrols the tank. I believe Arrow is a sub dominant male. With Blackbeard and Dotty moved nobody hassles him at all.
The 125 is funny asf...Scooter no longer has a bond with Mongo. He and his brothers now run Mongo around sometiimes. Mongo's biggest weapon (hyper aggression) is out the window because most of his sons are just too big to push around anymore. He still intimidates the 5 runts, Shade and Mote (smaller sub dom brothers).
One tiny brother who has gorgeous blue fins is a crazy little snit and takes on his much larger siblings. no name yet, but I have an idea.
Came home from Easter dinner wearing a striped shirt. Went to feed everybody and Kong nearly jumped her tank and banged head on into the glass. She refused to come out of her house. I forgot about her 'monster' phobia (stripes, hats, scarves) because she hasn't done this in a long time. Cichlids, lol.
If anyone has ideas for a simple home videocam, let me know. I'm trying to figure out how Brick manages to launch his ball several feet across the room. I also has a not too pleasant miscalculation with the 125 and spent some time cleaning up last week.