• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

More tank pics, updated

I was in one of my creative moods the other day and made a couple of charts for some of the honduran redpoints. As a kid it was one of my favorite pastimes on the weekends, art projects/crafts, charts and model making.

This first chart is for overall length. Sizes range from 2"+ to 5"+. For all intents and purposes Slade may be the longest but it's tight between him, Hulk and Tank. Huey and Hugo are ~5" and Dusty and Mongo a hair shorter. Mote and Pip are tied at 4". Shade is ~4", Bumper at just over 3." Speck and Lazarus bring up the rear between 2" and 3".

This second chart is for "junk in the trunk." Not surpisingly the males all lead in this category. In the super heavyweight category: Hulk, Tank, Huey and Hugo, Stripey. Dusty has a huge 'chest' and tapers to the rear. For sheer overall bulk front to back Hulk and Tank lead the way. Hulk is boxy, Tank is a huge triangle. Stripey is built like Tank as well. One of the large fry is built like Dusty and looks like trouble. I may keep that one!

Slade resembles a thick submarine, brother Mongo more sleek. Shade is average in build. Pip is a beefy mature female. She's equal in size to some of the other smaller sons and larger than son Bumper. Next is Speck. She's about 2/3 the size of her mother currently but is a bit heavier after having her second batch of fry. Lazarus is in last place but it's no surpise since he lived for 8 months in deprived conditions. He's added some size but whether he'll ever catch up to his cousins and siblings is doubtful.

I'll be doing a detailed graph of Brick's growth curve as well. Will have to pull out some old info in the archives!
Graphic showing length comparisons of the other fish. Not a lot of difference between the parrots. Boss is slightly shorter than Tango and Kong. Tango and Boss are pretty equal in bulk, Kong is top heavy with a longer body. Ironically she's the only one with a nuchal hump that never goes away.

LENGTH 2.jpg
Update tidbit. As stated before I left Speck's second batch of fry in the 125 to fend for themselves. Confirmed 6 survivors at least. All fat and around 1/4". There may be others since the tank is gigantic for them. They shoal near the surface, it's really cute. Plenty of spaces to disappear in and food particles everywhere for them to grab in the water column. The also pick food off the sponge caves. There are also five runts about 1 1/2" that have their own shoal. Just small, no deformities.

In the growout tank Speck and Slade are quite calm around their half grown fry. Slade swims with the kids some, but Speck stays hidden in the back. Slade will join her and I won't see the parents at all most of the time! In the back snogging I guess.
I will be posting my own amateur genetic graph of my jackrabbit hrps soon. In the meantime, pics...

We'll start in Lazarus's tank. I believe Dotty was the only female which cased a lot of fighting. She picked sibling Blackbeard and the rest is history...all of their fry are pink, natch. Lazarus got quite aggressive but Blackbeard overpowered him. The two have since been moved to the growout tank. Blackbeard is in the first pic, then Dotty below. They split fry time.

blackbeard with fry.jpg

Dotty with fry 2 copy.jpg