Update tidbit. As stated before I left Speck's second batch of fry in the 125 to fend for themselves. Confirmed 6 survivors at least. All fat and around 1/4". There may be others since the tank is gigantic for them. They shoal near the surface, it's really cute. Plenty of spaces to disappear in and food particles everywhere for them to grab in the water column. The also pick food off the sponge caves. There are also five runts about 1 1/2" that have their own shoal. Just small, no deformities.
In the growout tank Speck and Slade are quite calm around their half grown fry. Slade swims with the kids some, but Speck stays hidden in the back. Slade will join her and I won't see the parents at all most of the time! In the back snogging I guess.