More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tango has built a cozy nest around himself. Off to the right is hrp Mica with her small group of fry. Tango has walled her off with a dome of vines but she appears to like it. It gives her a defined space she can claim and keep her little ones contained. Mica is one of the quad color hrps.

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On to the 225.

Syno Spot comes out every evening to hang with Boss and Brick. You can see his whiskers that got 'trimmed' and are just stumps. This happened some time this past week. Investigation ongoing for the culprits. Somebody did a helluva job...Spot's whiskers were the length of his body. Since losing the whiskers he comes to the top more for food.

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F----- it, here we go again.

I've been monitoring Jazz (female acara) because she's never completely beaten the swim bladder issue. The last 3 days she's been hiding/not coming out at meal time. I saw her in a dim corner and she seemed normal so I let her be.

again she didn't show today and I'd had it. Fished her out and now SHE has's on the opposite side of what Rocky had. So unfortunately she must have scuffled with some of those hrp males. Damn. So she's in a bucket and I've started her with salt.

Turns out she did a good job of hiding that eye or I would have pulled her out 2 days ago. Some of those male hrps are going. There are 4 nondescript ones I never bothered to name that are going with the other donations. All they do is scatter or fight and I've had it. W/C is tomorrow...I might toss them in a spare tote in the meantime.

Maybe it IS time for goldfish. Or guppies.