Here's Pinky. Out of around 400 fry so far he's the ONLY one that is solid pink. However, he does have a couple of tiny black specks you can barely see. I've discovered the pinks don't have stable color until adulthood so it wouldn't shock me if he ends up with some marbling.
Blackbeard (lower left), Ace (top) and Brutus (lower right). Blackbeard was the previous boss of the growout and lost to brother Brutus. After a power struggle Blackbeard is once again Boss. Brutus has the temperament of his grandfather Mongo.
Harlequin, the first fry to show quad colors is a true firecracker. He has the wild aggression of his mother and grandfather and looks to have the makings of a future tank boss. He's the only fry to secure his own log from the adults and other siblings. Both parents stay nearby. He is fearless and even made Mongo back off a few times. He pushes his siblings around and charges at his much bigger (and older) cousins. Little crazy ass. But he don't mess with mama.
Harlequins' antics get him in trouble at times. In the first pic he flares at poppa but Slade shut that down quick. In the second pic he's 'escorting' his son into his log.