Blaze is the current queen of the 125 but she's being challenged by her 'niece' Harlequin for top spot. She'll instigate and take cheap shots at Harlequin whenever the mood hits. Slade tries to force her away but she refuses and won't be run out. He chases and she circles right back around and goes in her log. She's set up right next to Harlequin and her fry. Harlequin will retaliate but Blaze is a bit too strong for her. At times Slade seems confused as to whom to chase since neither female will stay put. Sometimes Blaze will even take a shot at Slade to get his attention. She's like the stalker ex. Harlequin's hyper aggression has no effect on Blaze. Blaze reminds me of her mother Pip a lot. Not hyper aggressive but persistent, territorial and a true boss. To confuse matters even more Slade will squeeze in the log with her at times. One of her fry stays close in this pic.