Shots of Buddy the hrp. He's becoming quite the character! Very resilient and tough despite being chased by his brothers. But the heirarchy is shifting!
This isn't a fight. Boss and Buddy appear to be communicating after patrolling the tank. Buddy has become one of the 'three musketeers' comprised himself, Boss, and red raibow Salt. They've formed a nice bond. Pip hovers and watches. You see the relaxed body language of all three.
Buddy swims with Pip. Your eyes aren't playing tricks...Buddy's stripes have disappeared! They pop in and out based on his mood. NONE of the other striped males do this.This makes me wonder if Buddy was originally one of the 'blank' fry.
Bella cruises here with Salt. I definitely underestimated her size...Salt's at 5 1/4" (last measured), and Bella isn't too far behind, which puts her close to if not equal to Pip. Pip is bulkier. Bella has an independent personality and usually keeps to herself even when she's out in the open.
Mother and daughter. They're rarely are around each other much and usually Pip will give chase but not harass. Last year Bella tried taking the Queenship but lost that battle after their scrap.
Buddy has new status in the heirarchy of brothers. No longer is he the picked on little brother...he's had a growth spurt and is now equal to Bruce in size. And it's been payback mode ever since.