• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

More tank pics, updated

Handsome hrp Bruce is healed up nicely from his dings. He's persona non grata in the tank for some reason...all of the other fish spend 70 percent of the time on one side. At least Bruce has a whole area to himself. I'll still have to move him though. I might try getting a weighted net...these fish are too smart to trick once they know you're trying to catch. I don't want to spend 2 hours breaking down the 225. Hrp Tank likewise sees me coming with the net and immediately darts into his log. When the coast is clear he comes back out, lol. Bruce displays his chest and throat color in this shot!

I've been busy.

The supercharged version of my previous internal filters is underway. Still collecting materials. Details will be posted in the filtration thread. Essentially I will have the equivalent of two canisters internally without the bulk. They will be tall column filters in the back corners. And they will look good too, not the standard "Saturday diy" stuff. Gotta kick it up sometime. This in anticipation of what's coming moving toward the summer. The trick was in managing the cost of materials.

Some of the tanks got a 'deep clean' today. So I used the opportunity to move hrp Tank to the 125. Figured I'd measure him as promised. Since Buddy flopped into the net he got measured too.

Parrotty goodness measurements also.

Tank had a different reaction to being surrounded by his siblings as opposed to Hulk. Hulk darted to a dark corner and sulked for two days. He came out of his funk for food. Tank was the complete opposite! He immediately shoaled with his siblings.

There were funny moments. Tank approached Mongo. Mongo took one look at his giant son and made a "wtf is this" hard left turn, lol! But Mongo being Mongo he wasn't put off for long. He nudged the mini Chanco (um, I mean hrp) son of his away. So as Tank was getting his bearings he drifted over to a sponge cave inhabited by brother Dusty. Tank is a mini Chanco, and Dusty a Mini Midas. So Dusty gives no fcs about size or bulk and went head on at Tank, popping him on the nuchal hump.

Then Hulk came over. The two locked up briefly like two bulls in the center of the ring but Slade (The Boss) wasn't having it. He plowed into both breaking up the fight.

And now the new measurements...

Here's Queen Kong. She's aptly named and has a fang tooth up top she knows how to use. A cracking 8 inches.

Even Red rainbow Salt has added size. Last measured at 5 1/4" he's now creeping up on 6 inches. He flopped into a trap I set for the hrps so he went on the ruler too.

And now for the "baby Chancos"...**cough**

First, hrp Buddy. He's at the same length Hulk was last year but nowhere near as bulky. Here he has his stripes (they were gone again minutes later). He flopped perfectly side to side as I took pictures.

I've been busy.

The supercharged version of my previous internal filters is underway. Still collecting materials. Details will be posted in the filtration thread. Essentially I will have the equivalent of two canisters internally without the bulk. They will be tall column filters in the back corners. And they will look good too, not the standard "Saturday diy" stuff. Gotta kick it up sometime. This in anticipation of what's coming moving toward the summer. The trick was in managing the cost of materials.

Some of the tanks got a 'deep clean' today. So I used the opportunity to move hrp Tank to the 125. Figured I'd measure him as promised. Since Buddy flopped into the net he got measured too.

Parrotty goodness measurements also.

Tank had a different reaction to being surrounded by his siblings as opposed to Hulk. Hulk darted to a dark corner and sulked for two days. He came out of his funk for food. Tank was the complete opposite! He immediately shoaled with his siblings.

There were funny moments. Tank approached Mongo. Mongo took one look at his giant son and made a "wtf is this" hard left turn, lol! But Mongo being Mongo he wasn't put off for long. He nudged the mini Chanco (um, I mean hrp) son of his away. So as Tank was getting his bearings he drifted over to a sponge cave inhabited by brother Dusty. Tank is a mini Chanco, and Dusty a Mini Midas. So Dusty gives no fcs about size or bulk and went head on at Tank, popping him on the nuchal hump.

Then Hulk came over. The two locked up briefly like two bulls in the center of the ring but Slade (The Boss) wasn't having it. He plowed into both breaking up the fight.

And now the new measurements...

Here's Queen Kong. She's aptly named and has a fang tooth up top she knows how to use. A cracking 8 inches.

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Your fish look great!! When do you measure your fish? Only if you’re moving them from tank to tank?