Small news, notes and tidbits. Nothing major right now.
The 225 is pretty much stabilized for now with Buddy, (hrp) Boss (bp), Bella (hrp), Pip (hrp), Salt (RR) and Spot (syno).
Bruce was moved to the 125 a couple of weeks ago. Buddy and Boss go at it sometimes now but generally the tank is peaceful (for cichlids). Buddy now stays near Pip. Mealtime is calmer now...fights were breaking out at one time. Spot actually swims the middle layers of the tank and loves floating up top under the plants upside down.
Speaking of plants, I'm learning which are keepers and which not to buy any more of. Guppy grass gets buzz sawed. Water Sprite is 50/50 survival rate. Octopus grass, hornwort, Cabomba and Elodea seem able to keep up with cichlids. The fish seem to love fresh plants and start dancing when I put it in!
In the 125 the (hopefully) final purge of hrps will take place. The clump of babies from Mongo and Reeva are now a good size. Currently Mongo is guarding another cloud with Reeva's sister Nix. Those babies are going too. Also a few nondescript adults. Nix will go into the all female breeder. It's hardcore time with the culling.
I have to mention, hrp Hulk is H-U-G-E. I don't know if he's still growing, but I hope not. He looks like a teen Chanco with a baby face! Insane.
Brutus is clearly the biggest pink hrp so far!
Looking at alternate containers for the DIY canisters, covered in the filtration thread.
Bp Kong's nuchal hump has gotten big suddenly!
Summer list for new fish is penciled in!