More tank pics, updated


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Any chance that he might have gotten his head stuck in a filter intake? Any strainers missing or out of place? Got caught in a siphon during a water change?

I had this happen on a couple of occasions, with different fish. One was discovered dead in place; one was discovered still alive but perished shortly thereafter; two or three were momentarily stuck onto the end of a siphon tube but released immediately by plugging the other end. Those fish all looked like hell, eyes bulged as you describe and facial area lacerated, but all three recovered quickly and healed up completely.

If that's the case here, there't not much to be done except provide clean water, peace and quiet, and hope for the best.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Any chance that he might have gotten his head stuck in a filter intake? Any strainers missing or out of place? Got caught in a siphon during a water change?

I had this happen on a couple of occasions, with different fish. One was discovered dead in place; one was discovered still alive but perished shortly thereafter; two or three were momentarily stuck onto the end of a siphon tube but released immediately by plugging the other end. Those fish all looked like hell, eyes bulged as you describe and facial area lacerated, but all three recovered quickly and healed up completely.

If that's the case here, there't not much to be done except provide clean water, peace and quiet, and hope for the best.
Yeah, encouraged by the early signs but I'm not assuming anything.

Interesting you mention this because if you remember awhile back hrp Slade got himself jammed into a log decoration tight as a tick. I ended up snipping the mold carefully and it cracked and he fell out. He was a bit shocky but recovered hours later like nothing happened. Only got a slight nick on the head.

It's really hard getting Kanaplex now...not sure why. But I think I have some recently purchased. Will try that after the initial 2 day treatment of salt/metro.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
These pictures are from earlier today. As you can see Tank looks like ****. The largest eye has shrunk some but he still has those thick pink rings and his head is reddish. Like he's been in a pencil sharpener. I think he jammed his head into a log to be honest. Later on there were a couple of pieces flapping loose on his head but that might have been slimecoat. Major breakdown of 125 coming soon. Keepers ONLY will remain and everyone else going into the donation tub.





Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
At least Tank didn't suffer long. To be honest once his head turned red I figured he was done. One eye was kind of burst from the inside out. Never seen anything like it.

Got another mystery related to the 125 too. Hrp Slade is missing again. I'll have to start moving logs out to see if he's just hiding or stuck again. I'm hoping he's just hiding. Strange goings on and everything turns on a dime.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Finally some good news this spring.

Hrp Slade has been found. I was in the process of removing all the logs in the 125. I lifted one up and Slade fell out...Dum-Dum had gotten stuck again but this time the back pressure flushed him out. He's in good shape with no visible body damage. However his tail is neatly trimmed vertically like it was cut with scissors. He's lost his top trailer too. There's only soft plants in there now. It will stay that way until the big "purge".

So all things considered he's okay despite having a 'girl' tail for now.



Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
More news.

Buddy the hrp has been moved OUT of the 225 and into the 125 with his kin. He and the blood parrot Boss were at war, and I have no idea why. When the tank was transitioning the two would shoal and eat together. I have no idea what happened but there was a shift to hostility a month or so ago. Hive queen Pip would join in on the fun and it was a two-on-one situation.

For the most part Boss held his own well. His other tankmates avoided involvment. Red rainbow Salt would sometimes take a shot at the hrps but only when annoyed. Hrp Bella basically stayed out the way and ran from Pip or Buddy. So the fights went like this:

Bella and Salt would watch. Boss and Buddy would tangle. Boss stronger, Buddy more stamina.

Pip would strike Boss in the side while the males were engaged. Boss would ignore her hits but would give her a quick pop (like swatting her aside) for interfering. She would juke and act as a distraction while the parrot fought Buddy.

Locking up, advantage Boss
Ambush attack, advantage Buddy

So considering it was 2 on 1 and Boss had no real back up he did extremely well. He was never intimidated but wary and watched for them when cruising the tank. Buddy was a lot bolder when mama Pip got involved. One on one Boss handled him and he would retreat.

I had been monitoring for some time because as usual nobody did anything when I was near the tank. So I started sneaking by the tank at night with the lights out and got more answers that way. Today both fish had some split fins so I'd seen enough.

Buddy didn't get a warm reception in the 125. It was swarming with activity as usual, and full of males his equal size or bigger. He hit the ground running with his fins up in aggressive mode and cruised over to Mongo. Mongo greeted his son with a whack on the nuchal hump. Then Buddy sped past brother Bumper and straight to Hulk who blasted him next. A bit confused now Buddy navigated a wide circle going over to one of the sponge caves. This cave is claimed by his brother Dusty, the mini midas with the red tail. Dusty, the only fish who is Mongo's kryptonite and also gives no fcs about aggressive relatives, flew out of his cave before Buddy could even get close and knocked him away. At this point Buddy darted away and ducked into cover.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mongo he is one of the ancestral King hrps with now over 400 offspring, a pink marble possessing relentless, crazed aggression. He's been jumped, beaten up, chased and attacked. It makes no difference...he stays in kook mode. You can't keep a 'bad' fish down.

In the 225 barring any more craziness, the final crew is set for the new entries this summer. BP Boss, R Rainbow Salt, hrps Bella and Pip and spot the syno. I may move Spot into the breeder with the female clan hrp. I'm making modifications to my approach from my cichlid experiences (which have taught me a lot).

Boss is now 'beaming' his blazing blood color, a cross between neon red and street cone orange. From 10 or 20 feet he's easy to find. I also expect Pip to go into seclusion again now that all of her sons have been removed. She honestly seemed calmest and peaceful when Hulk was with her.

BP Kong has turned piebald again and is sequestered in her 'house' working on eggs.

In the breeder I've made modifications and transferred some of the small hides over. It's really funny the squabbling over the logs and the females dart in and out wildly like they're playing.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Updates! And a surprise.

Welp, Blackbeard is a poppa again. There's a small group of about 20-25 wigglers in a nest guarded by Tigger! Pics coming soon.

Plans moving forward:

1. Final purge of 125. 2 or 3 adult females will go in the breeder with their clan.
2. Juvies/babies are going on a trip.
3. All 'keeper' males will remain.
4. Random mid sized hrps also going on a trip.
5. Tigger now confirmed as female will go in the breeder.
6. Hrp siblings Neet, Ace and Blackbeard will go to the125 from the growout. I expect them to reach their full growth potential there, as did Squiggy and Brutus.
7 Hrp Lazarus is now a good size! The fish that survived months in a nearly dry tank with no food!!

And oh yeah...the summer punch list. Heh heh.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 19, 2007
Updates! And a surprise.

Welp, Blackbeard is a poppa again. There's a small group of about 20-25 wigglers in a nest guarded by Tigger! Pics coming soon.

Plans moving forward:

1. Final purge of 125. 2 or 3 adult females will go in the breeder with their clan.
2. Juvies/babies are going on a trip.
3. All 'keeper' males will remain.
4. Random mid sized hrps also going on a trip.
5. Tigger now confirmed as female will go in the breeder.
6. Hrp siblings Neet, Ace and Blackbeard will go to the125 from the growout. I expect them to reach their full growth potential there, as did Squiggy and Brutus.
7 Hrp Lazarus is now a good size! The fish that survived months in a nearly dry tank with no food!!

And oh yeah...the summer punch list. Heh heh.
Those hrp’s have always got you running around lol
  • Haha
Reactions: FINWIN


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
As promised, family pics and other bits.

First an update on Lazarus the miracle fish. The ultimate survivor, Lazarus lived in a near empty tank with no food, clean water or light for months. A first generation son out of Pip/Mongo, Lazarus was stunted and barely 2 inches when I rescued him. Well he ain't stunted now! Here he is next to one of my biggest females (and sibling), Flash. His size is now comparable to some of his brothers!

lazarus flash.jpg