Small update
Patch has got her egg maker in full gear again. She unloaded last night. Eggs in the canister and in piles over the sand. In the latest picture you see she's actually full of eggs. Her color has phased out of flamingo pink to ice pink. She does this every time she lays. Once done, she goes back to the flourescent pink color.
My mischevious O Brick continues to pull the filter pads from the overflows. It's becoming a happy game. Unfortunately I can't get him to play with any toys, he'd rather pull the heaters loose.
I moved Boss' pot to another location in the hopes of reducing the fighting with him and the Syno, Rex. So far so good. He's nestled into his claimed area of the tank. The QT inhabitants Tango (BP) and Cash (Syno) will be going into the main tank this weekend. I'll be adding old tank water to their current setup this week for cross acclimation. I will be adding a pot for Tango as well.
Gotta love them oscar games! Lol
I had to get rid of a sponge filter once because my O started eating it! It had some nice chunks missing. Might want to keep an eye out for that.
Whew, I sure will...though Brick doesn't really bother the sponge pre filters. One day I'm going to catch him in the act! He always seems to do this at night. I have caught him pullling the heaters from the suction cups. At least he doesn't break 'em...he leaves them dangling in the water.
Man, I know Oscars will eat most anything, but cheez...sponge is a bit desperate!!
Oh yeah! Haha
Wish I had pictures of the sponge but here's one of a rubberband from an anchored plant he decimated.
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