More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Very nice tank! I did not know pothos would survive fully submerged. Is that a spider plant fully submerged?

Yes its a spider plant! They need lots of light when submerged or you can give them 10-12 hrs lower light. As long as the pothos roots are healthy they will survive. Periodically you'll have to snip bad leaves or weak stem sections.
Turns out it was best I removed Boss' pot...he can't fit in it too well anymore now that he's bigger. (He wasn't using it much anyway) Plus it will give him less to be territorial about since the new BP Tango and syno Cash will be going in the main tank this weekend. His side of the tank is currently a 'forest.'

Tango (BP) and Cash (Syno) were introduced to the main tank Saturday. Cue the circus music! Everyone was chasing in circles, and both catfish started scuffling. Boss (BP) chased Tango (BP). Chip (SEV) sort of chased Tango but then ran interference for him. Brick (O) took random potshots at everybody, including both Synos. Things kind of settled after an hour or so. Boss does most of the chasing since Tango is the "competition" blood parrot. Tango looked pretty big in the smaller QT fact I spent the five weeks bulking him up. But its clear that next to the "Sumo" parrot Boss he's at best a light middleweight...but in the larger tank he'll grow. Tango is completely unphased by Boss' chasing. His fins stay up and erect, never in the submissive pose. He moves to get away but comes right back and will still explore the tank. Chip (Severum) tries to nudge the new BP here and there. I think eventually that will stop too. Boss isn't a vicious BP, just territorial. So he just chases Tango for a bit then stops and does his thing. Tango has settled on one side of the tank and doesn't seem intimidated at all. His appetite is great.

Now Cash and Rex didn't get off to a good start. Rex started chasing the smaller Syno. But I don't see any body parts so I figure they'll sort things out. Cash (Syno E) is 5" and to my eye Rex (Syno O) has grown to about 6-7". Tango (BP) is 5", Chip (Sev) 6", Boss (BP) 6", and of course Brick (O) is 11" at last count.

Tango is a bit skittish at times but seems to be adapting well. I think once he's settled the 'spazzy' moments will go away.

As a side note, Boss can intimidate other fish but he's not all that great intimidating other parrots. Tango is clearly younger so he's kinda flighty. Its kind of weird seeing all the other fish on one side of the tank and Tango on the other at times!

I've managed to get Brick to eat something other than meal worms...I mix them with red shrimp with a dose of Boyd's. He's good with it.

Pics coming soon.
So last week I check the tanks one evening...and it was all out war. Chip and Tango were going at it, with Boss interfering. Boss basically was trying to intimidate Tango, but the other BP and Sev were determined to fight each other. This went on for fifteen minutes. Then the synos came out to see and immediately got popped by all the cichlids. Finally Brick broke it up by charging into the fight and banging everyone around. I'd had it at that point so I just 'blacked out' the entire fish room for 24 hours. It seemed to have worked. The situation hasn't repeated itself, but I have no idea what got all that started. Awhile ago I did a "finny friends" description of my fish. Updates are due and here it is. Over time I've observed more nuances of their behavior.


Name: KONG
Purchase size: 6"
Current size: 7"
Body type: Big, long and muscular
Color: Bright Orange
Biter: Yes
Mouth opens: slightly
Aggression level: 9
Knick name: Psycho
Glass banger: yes
Weight class: Heavyweight
Fighting style: Chaos
Territorial: 9
Type: Alpha, dominant male

Kong is definitely a loner and doesn't mix at all. He lives for fighting and disrupts any attempts at a peaceful tank. If he sees a weakness in a fish he will harass it relentlessly. He seems calm as a "single" fish. But put him in with others and you've got a hot mess. Kong never seems to 'turn the switch off' and his body posture is always in a fighting stance.

Purchase size: 6"
Current size: 6 1/2"
Body type: Big, thick and muscular
Color: Neon Pink / Ice Pink
Biter: Yes
Mouth opens: yes
Aggression level: 10+
Knick name: The Queen
Glass banger: yes
Weight class: Heavyweight
Fighting style: Berserk
Territorial: 10
Type: Alpha, dominant female

Another loner. Patch is my most dominant and aggressive fish, period. None of the male parrots are a match for her fighting ability and teeth. I temporarily put Tango in a bucket with her. Five seconds later she was already riding him in circles. Has excessive egg production, almost every two weeks. Her aggression goes through the roof at these times, she'll jump out of the water to bite. Patch prefers ripping and shredding over fighting...she goes to end it.

Name: BOSS
Purchase size: 5"
Current size: 6+"
Body type: Big, blocky and muscular
Color: Blood Orange
Biter: No
Mouth opens: no
Aggression level: 8
Knick name: The Sumo
Glass banger: no
Weight class: Heavyweight
Fighting style: Tactical
Territorial: 8
Type: Sub dominant male
Heirarchy: #2nd, Tank Sub Boss

Boss is my "mildest" parrot provided no territory is involved. In the main tank, he's the only fish with the muscle to push my 11" Oscar backwards. They generally are quite peaceful together now. Only parrot with the true "blood" color. Boss has established that Tango stay in his proper place. After one strange day of allowing Tango to chase him, Boss has forced the other BP to one side of the tank. Tango bluffs and goes into his 'crazy' routine but Boss won't budge. Boss watches him like a hawk from his vantage point. Tango isn't small by any means but next to the Sumo its like seeing two totally different body types. Boss is just massively thick.

Name: TANGO (new entry)
Purchase size: 5"
Body type: Thick and well porportioned
Color: Orange
Biter: Maybe
Mouth opens: yes
Aggression level: 8
Knick name: The Punk
Glass banger: no
Weight class: Middleweight
Fighting style: Wild
Territorial: 7
Type: Too early to determine
Heirarchy: #3rd

Tango is kind of young and a "brat". He looks for unecessary fights and has tangled with Boss. Somewhat hyper and spazzy, I figure he'll calm down as he matures. Has a war going on with the Severum, Chip. The first five days he got run around a bit as the new fish. Everybody took their shots. Then he decided to move up the food chain and has bypassed Chip already. Tango then made a failed attempt to overpower Boss and take his spot as top parrot. He may as well have fought a tank. The Sumo parrot banged him around like a pinball and pushed him
all over the tank. Chip (Severum) got involved and got attacked for it. Tango is not only ambitious he's also crazy...he charged head on at my Oscar Brick several times. Brick gave him the eye like "really?" and ignored the wild BP.

As a side note Tango seems to be calming down. His spazzy, crazed antics arent' getting him anywhere. I was also hoping he'd retain his yellow orange color but it's already darkened to bright orange.


Name: CHIP
Purchase size: 5"
Current size: 6 1/2"
Body type: Well porportioned. Maturing into adult shape.
Color: Navy Blue / Silver with stripes (two color phases)
Biter: No
Mouth opens: yes
Aggression level: 4
Glass banger: no
Weight class: Light middleweight
Fighting style: High impact
Territorial: 5
Type: Subordinate male
Heirarchy: #4th (succeeded by Tango)

Type: Definitely a severum personality. Holds his ground regardless. Tends to "stick his nose" in fights which gets him banged around a bit. But he's tough and doesn't seem to stress at all. He also takes cheap shots when other fish are fighting. He annoys the Oscar at times by constantly trailing him or "hanging around". His recent fights with Tango have come to an end. Tango apparently has a sharp bite...Chip wants none of it. My severum can definitely be a 'pest' at times by hanging around other fish. But right now he's just looking for a soft spot to land...once again he's at the bottom of the totem pole. I think Chip pushed his luck by chasing Tango the first week he was in the that point he was no longer the whipping boy. But once Tango got settled it flipped on a dime. Severums do not intimidate blood parrots. Chip has gorgeous eyes. When he's in the navy blue phase the gold color totally pops.

I should add that Chip's "stubborn resistance" is wearing out Tango. He'll chase and shove the bp around just to remind Tango that he's a cichlid, too.


Name: REX
Purchase size: 5"
Current size: 7"
Body type: Ocellifer Syno. Thick body.
Color: Gold/Tan body with thick brown spots
Aggression level: 3
Fighting style: Speed strike
Territorial: 5

Name: CASH
Purchase size: 5"
Body type: Eupterus Syno. Long body.
Color: Gold body with flashy high featherfins and tiny brown spots
Aggression level: 3
Fighting style: Speed strike
Territorial: 4

The two catfish stay hidden a lot which is expected. A few scuffles at first but they seem to be coexisting ok now. I have seen Rex take a pop at a fish occassionally but there's a lot of animosity between them and the cichlids. At times they can't even come into the open without everyone taking a free shot. The blood parrots in particular can't stand the synos and go after them on sight. Lately I've begun to suspect Rex is a female based on body shape.

Generally they hang out at the corner filters.


Purchase size: 2"
Current size: 11"
Body type: Thick ass Ocellatus
Color: Red
Biter: Sometimes
Mouth opens: are you kidding me?
Aggression level: 7 to 9, varies
Knick name: The Pig
Glass banger: yes
Weight class: Superheavyweight
Fighting style: Blunt Force
Territorial: 8 -9
Type: Alpha male Oscar
Heirarchy: Tank Boss, #1

Brick is relaxed in his role as the King. He breaks up fights between the other fish by plowing into them, making everyone scatter. (You can hear the impact in the next room) He has daily patrols and observes any changes in the tank. Very playful, my O will roll around in the plants then swim against the intakes and bubblers. He made short work of Tango's insane attempt to start a fight by simply laying on top of him (spazzing Tango out). If something isn't worth his attention Brick won't spend any energy over it. Brick and Boss seem to have a peace
treaty over tank rule and often swim side by side. Now when Tango sees Brick coming he spin moves away. Brick is what I would call a 'tolerant' Oscar...neither a wimp nor a bully. But make no mistake he can get ugly as the mood strikes. As he's matured Brick is more tolerant of other fish in his 'turf'. Chip basically lives on his side, as does Tango. Also as he's gotten bigger and heavier he's less interested in chasing. But Brick never forgets that he's an Oscar...anyone willing to challenge that will find out the hard way.

Curious, I am looking at Brick closely. I might have to measure him for July. My eyes may be playing tricks but


And speaking of tricks. For weeks Brick has only wanted to eat mealworms and red shrimp. Well last week I saw him scoffing a few pellets off the bottom on the sly (when he didn't know I was looking). Could he be getting tired of his gourmet menu? Today he even started to eat pellets which he hasn't done in a while. He spat them out but did gulp them at first. Normally he just lets 'em rain over his head. Weakening? Hope so.

Now for the pics. Some shots of Rex on the filter. He has grown a lot.

Rex 1.jpg

Rex 2.jpg

Rex 3.jpg

Rex 4.jpg
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