More tank pics, updated


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Hi, just got an alert... on lunch break. I sent the store an email a few minutes ago.

Here's the link:

They're a good 30 minute drive south of me. Figured an email would work better since they can get crazy busy unexpectedly (and phone calls don't leave a trail.)

Everyone else is fine after water change and "lunch". Of course Patch patiently floated at the top for me to drop pellets in her mouth. When one went past her chin I got a look like "You expect me to get that?" :lol3:


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Update. Ended up calling, wish I hadn't. Let's just say you go to this store for the fish, not the customer service. Owner was hostile, obnoxious and rude...tried to cut me off when I was explaining about the sudden fish death. Like I was accusing him of having 'bad' fish. I got speeches and lectures about ph being a factor. So it turns out all their fish are wild caught not tank bred. The assistants are good people willing to help but the owner is defensive, 'snappy' and short tempered. So I ignored his temper tantrums (another customer was asking him about a problem fish. He stopped talking to me to talk to them) if I wasn't waiting for an answer I would have hung up. I told him I was a repeat customer and all my fish were thriving (not surviving) with a higher ph. His response? Well you can put the fish in anything sure, it doesn't mean you can't. Apparently he doesn't know the difference between surviving and thriving. Since none of my "acidic water based ph south american fish" seem to be suffering from my higher ph water. I told him my research said the gold spot plecs are delicate and prone to dying young. None of my other purchases from his store had this problem.

So long story short I can have another fish at half price. There's a certain snobbery going on because this store is one of only 3 in the immediate area with exotic fish on tap (unless you go to Baltimore or waaaaay up in Chevy Chase MD). Otherwise you end up going online. I asked him if there were a way to acclimate a more delicate pleco. He had no specific answer, only that their pricing is a bargain for their type of fish since big box stores have a high markup (this I'm aware of).

I'm not trying to be his friend. But a repeat customer you damn sure better treat with respect. It's about the buisness to me, and I want another fish. He needs to get over the played out attitude. :angryfire


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Well I guess my character reference email of you and your most excellent catering care of your fish would be superfluous at this point. At least you get a 50% discount out of it. I will send the reference email if you like. It might further inflame the owner, but I can make it very noninflammatory and thank him for giving you a discount.

I had a unpleasant experience with the owner our local fish shop last week. Really riled me. This was day I was going to get Horseman Cats.
Bear in mind I have been going to this shop for many years. I have seen many employees come and go. A new assistant got pair of Long Finned Cherry Barbs, and a Yo-yo loach for me. I was going to go for the Horseman Catfish, when suddenly the owner who had been nearby, reprimanded me for acquiring the loach from a tank which wasn't marked. I apologized that I didn't know. (The employee had okayed it.) I paid for the fish and left. Another day, I returned to buy the Horseman Cories and I brought it up to the manager, (owner wasn't there). Manager apologized and said that wasn't right and said that she would get fish out of that tank anytime I want.
I told her no, but thank you, I would respect his (owner's) wishes and walk past that tank with blinders and tunnel vision (maybe a backward peek, over exaggerated leer).

The tank should have been marked--not for sale. And the employees instructed thusly. I had gone home feeling terrible, like I had done something wrong.
The manager and another employee made me feel much better. One said the owner was having a bad day that day and he gets that way. Shoot, I have spent well into 4 figures, maybe close to 5 over the years. I feel like an investor at this point. If he had stocks, I would be a stockholder and on the board of directors and I would demand "need more Piranhas around her-- I guess we have enough around the table here." ;)

Please don't feel bad. I think you were appropriate in what you told the fish store owner. Some fish stores won't give any type of refund for a dead fish. I had to threaten small claims court when an expensive fish died and a (different) fish store manager wouldn't refund or store credit me. I would freeze your dead fish and bring it back, unless the owner doesn't require it.

Sometimes fish just die. It might have had a nonapparent illness before you purchased it. And some wild caught fish can be susceptible to captive bred fish pathogens when exposed to them.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I think this guy was ticked at the other customer who was having fish problems then took it out on me because I had a dead one. Online I noticed similar complaint about the manager. But I figure its a buisness, I'm going to get fish not be pals. Was pretty pissed for a few minutes. Fish is in my fridge downstairs. The next one I plan to acclimate with tank water. I asked him if they were getting sunshine plecs anytime soon he said no exotics due for two weeks. They had vampire plecs but they stay hidden most of the time.

Two things: they act as if you're supposed to "know" their fish are wild caught. Ever seen a 'wild' long fin Oscar? A 'wild' flowerhorn?

BTW thanks for the offer of reference but this guy would likely see it as another 'attack' despite the fact I agreed live fish aren't guaranteed. He just had a stick up his ---.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Hard to tell what is wild or captive, and some species can be both. Your fish store owner doesn't sound nice interested in customer loyalty or relations.

My best friend wanted to go down and tell this fish store owner off. I told him no and it would pass. Apparently someone else my buddy knows experienced the same thing from the owner of the local fish shop. You could start a new thread; Best or Worst Experience You Have Had In A Fish Shop.

Sometimes he is nice though. I have certainly had good experiences in Fish shops.

The Horseman Cats are in their new tank. These Cories are not very active. I mean they clean a lot, but mostly stay in one spot together. They appear very attached. I have a multiple entry Flintstone style cave house for them that they haven't checked out yet.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I may have to get a larger pot for Patch...she can barely maneuver in the one she has now. Hate to go much bigger but looks like a 9 or 10 inch pot is in the near future. Her finnage has grown quite a bit, especially her tail. When I purchased her in December her tail was much shorter (paddle shape) and all black. Currently she has a lot of new growth behind the black and the tail is shaped like a fan with a wide border of transparent red. It's in the avatar but extends past the border.

"Pot" shots will be posted if the fish will cooperate.
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Pot shots, funny. Take pot shots at the fish while they are in their pots. Is that like shooting fish in a barrel, but easier?

My large Golden Lab cichlid has 4 × 6 blue wave design cave, ceramic vase--pot, I don't know what it is. It is aqua or turquoise colored with raised wave design. Phoenix can move around in, but ½ the time he backs in it and peeks out. Across a short alley is a roomy handbuilt orange brick cave with 3 entrances that he also loves to hang in--Home boy.

I have seen some cool designs painted in Terra cotte flower pots. You could Google house designs and see which would best suit the shape of a clay pot. A Swiss Chalet with painted shutters with hearts in them, windows with curtains and curvy roof and deck trim with hearts.

Or just flowered or striped or fish and scroll designs. Green dragon design on orange. Zebra stripes, lepopard spots, or maybe just your Hut design. Just an idea, since you are an artist. A simple design could bring even a more artist element that would stand out.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Usually best to avoid painted / glazed pots especially imported ones that use lead based powders. Terra cotta when clean is safe (no old pots with pesticides in 'em). Anything food safe is fine, like big cookie jars, jumbo mugs, bowls and food canisters. Those can be glazed no prob. Unfortunately most of the fancy pots for aquariums won't work for big cichlids.

Boss is in his pot the most so posting his pic is easy. Patch I have to catch (when she can squeeze in there). Kong rarely uses his pot so that one is tricky.

Patch will probably get a 10" pot this weekend. She can barely stuff herself in her current one sideways and nearly got stuck more than once. :grinno: