• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

More tank pics, updated

Kong is longer than his brother Boss. Very muscular with a longer snout. He also sports a permanent nuchal hump that Boss never seems to display. On an aggression scale Kong is 9 out of 10. Boss is somewhere around 7-8. Kong held title of heaviest parrot until his brother usurped that title 4 months ago. They're still close in overall size but Boss is bulkier with a wider head. In the first pic you can see the bottom of Kong's tooth...its a single fang up top he recently grew.

Kong 1.jpg

Kong 2.jpg
Patch snoozes in her favorite afternoon spot, under the Pothos. She's a bit slim here after laying eggs. You can see her teeth at this angle (her lips are so thick you rarely can tell). Her aggression level is unmatched, a 10+.

Patch sleep.jpg
Small update posted in another thread. Kong is now a female after laying eggs for the first time! ?

Waiting on the new arrivals, blue acara and rainbow cichlid. Thinking up names now.

May consider rehoming the catfishes as all they do is hide anyway.
Snaps is a firecracker...bold, and already eats from my hand. Wolfs down food. Chill is just that...chill. He offsets Snaps' nervous high energy. Snaps is already plumper since he eats 4 small meals a day. Chill arrived today with a burst bag almost out of water, so there was no time to acclimate for temp. He settled in nicely though and ate a pellet later. Size comparison below. Both were listed at 3 1/2"...somebody lied, lol. Snaps seems to be smiling here!

a pair.jpg
They're becoming fast buddies, which is great. I have floating lily pads up top for a doppled effect reducing stress. Very energetic both of them. It was especially hard to get good pics of Snaps...he doesn't stay still for more than two seconds and has a 'stutter' swim style.

Chill 1.jpg

Chill 2.jpg

Snaps 2.jpg
Hanging out in the afternoon. They'll be in QT for some time to get more size. The bio media is from Patch and Kongs tanks, respectively. These two love exploring around it.

afternoon fun.jpg

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afternoon fun 2.jpg
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