• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Most difficult to find/ rarest cichlid you own?

Rarest i guess u could say is my platinum honduran red point. i have had twice and have never been able find again gold madagascar cichlid. suppose to be rare but ive only seen two in person and yet to see one here. ide kill for another one. my short bodied black cons r rare to me :P
Probably this guy for me
Probably this guy for me

Great looking fish you got there!
It's cool if you post other types of fish too, I just started it as cichlids since this was a cichlid forum thats all.
They do not sell Fire mouths at most petsmarts. I have a 5 inch FM. I also have an Oscar and 2 convicts but they are no were near uncommon. BPs are pretty common. My only rare fish is my Asian upside down catfish.
Currently I would have to say my Thorichthys sp.
I have meeki which re about as common as it gets, then maculipinnis(ellioti) which are less hard to find , then mixteco golds , mixteco blues , aureus, helleri , and socolofi .
Also have Acaonia nassa , Hoplarchus psittacus , Krobia xinguensis ,Archocentrus centrarchus, Cryptoheros nanoluteus, and Chromidotilapia guentheri .
Depending on where you live some of those fish are quite common , but around here they are not easy to find.... I had to do alot of searching forums, go to shows and auctions etc
How about an mature adult cichlid that has been grown out since young by the same person? I'm talking in the 5+ year range. Seems like most people on here own a fish for a while because it's "monster" "rare" or "trendy". The trend lately seems to be festae and umbee. It was beani, and ornatum last year and the year before.

Own what makes you happy and care for it well. A mantra to few live by...

My flowerhorn I've had since Sept 2007, she's my baby. :)

My umbee. I didn't get him because it's the "fish 2 have" I got him because I had yet to even see another umbee anywhere other than online.
I have a long finned albino briselnose pleco. It is not super rare but most places do not sell them.

around here we are less likely to see some (many) Cichlids you may consider common.
My favourite 'rare'(around here anyway) species I own would have to be:
Hypselecara temporalis(breeding pair-so hopefully i can help make them less rare- when they do come up they do not sell well here........but what a great fish, especially a breeding pair, I have never seen such a pair bond in cichlids)
Petenia splendida
Andinoacara sapayensis
festae :)( very rarely do we see them available here)
and Nannacara anomala....., I have distributed many of these stunning little fish, so hopefully not so rare here now.


Oh and Trimac............although I could never be sure Timmy is true, but still very rare to have one that looks true-ish.
Took me two years to find some so I guess it would be Geophagus Iporangensis. Just picked some up at the GCCA swap yesterday. Maybe if I'd been to one of their swaps sooner it wouldn't have taken so long.

Also have Ellioti and Pasionis. Had to order the Ellioti, found the Pasionis in an LFS.

Recently picked up some Australoheros s. Oblongum as well. Not sure how common they are, but I had never heard of them before.