Cichlidobssesed Feeder Fish MFK Member Feb 22, 2020 #82 I dont know if its lack of interest or the over abundance of inpure(flowerhorns) breeds but my pure amphilophus Trimaculatus rio sarabia is pretty tough to find. Never seen a true trimac at an lfs and took me months of emails to find him a mate
I dont know if its lack of interest or the over abundance of inpure(flowerhorns) breeds but my pure amphilophus Trimaculatus rio sarabia is pretty tough to find. Never seen a true trimac at an lfs and took me months of emails to find him a mate
Jexnell Bronze Tier VIP MFK Member Feb 22, 2020 #83 Not crazy rare like some fish are, but my Amphilophus Sagittae is not as common as Red Devil's, Midas, etc.
Not crazy rare like some fish are, but my Amphilophus Sagittae is not as common as Red Devil's, Midas, etc.
Fishnerd360 Redtail Catfish MFK Member Feb 22, 2020 #85 Not very common I seen, but I got a vittata pleco, not the candy stripe ones. A picture from a while ago.
Not very common I seen, but I got a vittata pleco, not the candy stripe ones. A picture from a while ago.
ceeej31 Fire Eel MFK Member Feb 24, 2020 #87 I have a group of Hypselecara coryphaenoides, which are pretty uncommon as I understand it.