RD, I think you might be misunderstanding me. That wasn’t a mea culpa, but a description of “fact”. I don’t mean a fact like oxygen has atomic number 8, but an honest description of a situation or occurrence. So it is possible to keep 4 oscars in 70 gallons. Still, that is much different from an opinion. If you told us about a similar attempt that resulted in multiple deaths, that’s also a fact, and worth reporting—ie, it doesn’t always work.Not terrible, just ignorant. Happens every day in this hobby, the end result eventually leading to stressed, sick, and ultimately dead fish.
Lots of scenarios can be considered a success story, in the short timeframe that your experiment lasted. This was already mentioned previously, with Joey's internet success story. It wasn't.
Your posts are generally heavy on data, but this one is just opinion (obviously a popular one). If I don’t keep my fish that crowded now, it’s because of my preference, But, since we are trading opinions, I think fish don’t care as much about space as we do. They care about food, clean water, opportunity for reproduction, and most of all, safety and security. (But ignore that, since it’s just opinion.)