studd muffin;4979648; said:
Wow! What an inspiration! Thats awesome! Makes me want to do one. Totally loving the set up
Thanks, and maybe you should try one too
But in all honesty, if it wasn't for seeing the large 1200G? Paludarium on here, i probably wouldn't have had the inspiration to build this small one for myself...
aclockworkorange;4979942; said:
That's exactly what I've been considering with my paludarium build... something that is completely non aggressive to any size fish or even fish eggs (as I plan to have my proven breeding group of corydoras in there) but will still make use of the land area and NOT crawl out of the tank.
Yeah, its hard to find things that won't climb out and that are fish / fish egg friendly... i've had people recommend Chinese Newts (Picture below) but just not that big a fan of them... since my first preference is a chameleon, but they need much larger tanks...
Spiritofthesoul;4979958; said:
Hmm, could you directly pour seachem flourish into the soil?
aclockworkorange;4980008; said:
Well he's already got ADA substrate...?
As clockwork orange mentioned, i'm already using ADA substrate, so should be okay as far as dosing is concerned, plus, i don't want my plants to grow out of control... so the slower they grow the better so i have more time to take care of them...