My 55 Gallon Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
haha yeas its gonna be crazy
theres also one black piranha in there
but it has 1 eye missing the guys from
aquascape online called me and told me they
would throw in a free 100 dollar black piranha but
it has an eye missing
i was like YES
i know im upgrading to a bigger tank dont worry
and how long willa rhom survive with only one eye?
I think you have a recipe for disaster.
You need to add more water.
What happened to the five inch oscar, the red devil, convicts, tiger musky and dragon goby?
I think you still need to remove the bamboo.
Other than that, it's a rocking tank.
haha to answer all your questions
oscar-the oscars got in a fight over territory under a plant and died sadly
red devil- I thought about it but never got one
Tiger Musky- that was my friend who wanted me to ask cause he has one
convicts- In a seperate breeding tank
Goby- Hes in the corner you cant see him
and thanks alot man i appreciate it
why do you think the bamboo should go?
its doin pretty good
Totally submerged the bamboo will rot.
oh really
okay well
ill replace it with something else
ill keep you posted
dmopar74;1904432; said:
dude it doesnt matter if you got a 300g tank, either the rhom will be taken out by the reds or the rhom will kill em all. sell the rhom asap.

With the black only having one eye, I got 5-1 odds on the shoal of red bellies eating him within a month. piranha prey on weakness.
I'm thinking this should end up being moved to the P forum.

Rhom RBP mix isn't going to be pretty. how long will they co-hab IDK it's hard to tell. they "should" be ok till the rhom starts outgrowing the RBPs. that is unless you mess up on the feeding and the RBPs exploit the cycloptic rhom and he's a gonner. I think yo should move the rhom to another tank if you have one or just sell him off now. eithr way the others are right either the rhoms goingto hae to leave or the RBPs. but one of those two things ARE going to happen.

P.S. whats your next tank? how many gallons?