My 55 Gallon Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
all you guys are incredible
seriously if you dont agree with what i do
then take the time to send me a private message
and help me out instead of attacking me on the forums
if you guys actually cared about fish you would try and help me out
instead of just being douchebags so i may get banned now for saying
douchebags but whatever i really thought that at least one person would
have been man enough to send me a pm and tell me what im doing wrong and help
me out. whatever i guess i was wrong
fish eat fish just RIPPED one.

but hey, flea, no hard feelings. in reality, several, if not a dozen people on here told you what you were doing wrong and provided a solution. Just don't lie (yes, even on the internet!), and humble accept, challenge, respect the opinion and wisdom of the many experienced aquarists. trust me, i've tried to check out a bunch of other fish forums, but none compare to the knowledge that i've found on here.

good luck with your tank, dude.

"Experience is a tough school to attend,
but fools will learn from no other."

(paraphrased from memory, forgotten author)

yea man i decided that instead of getting pissed about it im just gonna take the advice that people give me and try to do better. Instead of getting hostile im gonna try to learn from what people ahve been telling me. Ill post a picture tonight.
I was not trying to be a jerk and I did not ever insult you.

All I did was copy and paste your own words. If I didnt do it someone else would have. I cant find it right now but there are tons of examples of members who either do not post honestly or ignore the advice they receive. Eventually people start to notice and speak up and it snow balls from there until they usually get banned.

Maybe you will luck out and change your ways before this happens
I will deffinitley have enough filtartion since right now
I have it filtered like a 220 gallon tank should be and I
am getting a cansiter filter tonight.
I pointed out discrepancies a while ago, and I got called names, but it seems like now everything is sorted out which is really all that matters. I was probably the first to "jump on" and now I'm going to be the first to "jump off."

Welcome back to xFLEAxx, and I'm glad to see that you are trying to do what is best for your fish long-term. It would have been easier to just drop out of the forum and watch your fish destroy each other or try starting over with a new name (which would have been found out eventually), so I admire your honesty and your decision to try to turn things around in your tanks. :clap

I know one of the main themes on MFK is aggressive, killer fish, but I think most will agree that there's a big difference between keeping aggressive fish responsibly and setting up a "gladiator tank" where fish have to fight to the death. I don't think it really matters anymore what you had or didn't have, just that from now on when you ask for advice that you're totally up-front about what you are doing and that you keep an open mind with a commitment to learning and doing what is best for the fish.

As I understand it, you now have 6 1-inch RBPs in an over-filtered 55 gal and 4 cons in a 29, you are trying to figure out the best way to make it work both short-term and long-term, and final decisions are dependent on parental consent (it's always something!). Is that correct? Also, I know you said the goby is not in with the RBPs anymore, do you still have it or is it out of the picture?

Also, I have added New Jersey links for you to my thread about local aquarium clubs:
Yea I decided that being on a forum is a stupid thing to do if you are not gonna try and learn as much as you can and instead of being dumb and ignorant I should listen to people who have more experience then me and try to get as much knowledge as I possibly can. As for the Goby I had no place to put him where he wouldn't get beat up so my friend is taking good care of him is his 125 gallon tank. I really appreciate what you said and thanks alot for having my back and helpin me out. I appreciate it.
Great to hear that the goby got a good home, and I think you can definitely work with what you have if you plan carefully. BTW, I saw what you said about your mom on the pet peeve thread, and it doesn't get any better later on. I have 2 kids and a husband and now I have to get EVERYBODY's approval!
haha thats why you gotta cherish the 4 years of college where you can do whatever you want in your dorm room haha. Im just gonna get a bathtub in there and fill it and put fish in there. Haha im sure that would work..... Well good luck with talking your kids and husband into wanting a new tank (: