My 650g plywood tank also Wetsuit

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thanks for keeping this thread alive sashimi. There are so little info on long term plywood tank builds. Good to see this bad boy is humming along
Thanks for keeping this thread alive sashimi. There are so little info on long term plywood tank builds. Good to see this bad boy is humming along

Haha, I wasn't trying to keep it alive but I just get requests for updates so I just keep adding. The tank is still doing great with no issues. When I get some time I'm going to finish it off and add cabinet doors and drywall it to look integrated.

I do however need to rework my algae scrubber/sump. For some reason it's not scrubbing very well.
Not removing nitrates, not growing algae well or something along those lines?

Sent from the mars rover
Not removing nitrates, not growing algae well or something along those lines?

Sent from the mars rover

Well from what I was told on the algae scrubber site I don't have enough light. I run the scrubber like 18 hrs/day with 4 23w CFL down the middle and 2 55w CFL on the outside. It's like a solar flare when it's on.

My nitrate level does level off around 10-12ppm and I'd like it lower but there's a point where it costs more in energy than just changing more water.
If your nitrates are that low it sounds like it is working

Sent from the mars rover
At that low of nitratea thats probably the best it can do. You may just have to adjust your lighting and see if that helps

Sent from the mars rover
isn't it funny how we grow algae when we don't want it, and don't when we do?

That tank is amazing! It's builds like this that make the job seem doable, plus who doesn't like a project or two?
Thanks for the kind words.

It's kinda funny I grow green algae on the scrubber but brown algae in the tank. Does that mean the tank isn't getting enough light? It's on 5 hrs/day and the scrubber is on 18 hrs/day.

I'm almost to the point where I'm thinking of adding a UV sterilizer. I know it's giving in but it would only be temporary until I can rebuild the algae scrubber.
Brown is from silicates which it feeds off. You have a source somewhere in the tank or from feeding. It also may be from the wrong spectrum off light.

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