My 765 gal tank...Part 1...


MFK Member
Oct 2, 2007
Coopersburg, Pa 18036
oftalmos;1326609; said:
But how you are going to achieve that?...... the water of the compartment that you are talking about should be the same water that is in the sump...

I mean the water that gets to te compartment arrives from where?

You need water to close the floating valve...but with you example if there is no electric power then the sump is going to overflow because the floating valve is not closing.....because the water is going to the sump not to the compartment....unless of course you connect a pipe between the sump and the compartment....but I think is the that case what you are doing is just expanding the sump.....
The water that arrives in the overflow float compartment would come from the sump. Normally these compartments are dry. There would be a wall between the sump and the float compartment that is two inches lower than the outside wall of the sump. Normal operating level would be maybe 1" below the wall (3" below outside walls of the sump). If power is lost water continues to flow into the sump compartments, raises, spills over the walls into the float compartments, rises, lifts the floats and closes the valves. As I was typing this I realized there needs to be a mechanism to drain the float compartments once they are full. Otherwise when power is restored the sump will be pumped dry and the pump starved for water because the drain valves from the tank will be closed. Again, I love how you solved the problem. I'm just thinking out loud on how it could be expanded upon to make it a little easier to maintain equilibrium and maximize filtering efficiency.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 26, 2006
The Real Norcal
señor_pescados_felices;1324272; said:
Thats a nice monster tank....not a common site in Mexico.Very colorful too......

In the States you can take pride in knowing if you have a tank like that your probably the only one for a hundred miles around,maybe more depending on where you live.But being in Mexico you probably have the largest personal aquarium in your state,hehe.

Where abouts in Mexico are you from?I have family in Guadalajara as well as Mazatlan.I lived down there on and off in the past however I found it very difficult to keep fish while there.

The selection is not great,it is very hard to get in what your looking for at best...not only the fish but often the supplies and equipment as well.

Anyhow nice setup, like the gourami's.:D
sorry if you didn't answer that on purpose I was just very curious,figured you must have missed it...



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 24, 2006
señor_pescados_felices;1324272; said:
Thats a nice monster tank....not a common site in Mexico.Very colorful too......

In the States you can take pride in knowing if you have a tank like that your probably the only one for a hundred miles around,maybe more depending on where you live.But being in Mexico you probably have the largest personal aquarium in your state,hehe.

Where abouts in Mexico are you from?I have family in Guadalajara as well as Mazatlan.I lived down there on and off in the past however I found it very difficult to keep fish while there.

The selection is not great,it is very hard to get in what your looking for at best...not only the fish but often the supplies and equipment as well.

Anyhow nice setup, like the gourami's.:D


Thanks for the comments....

Im from Mexico City....and you are right... there are not too many people with big tanks here in the city as far as I know....even with 20 million people .....and if there are some people with big tanks...most of them have salt water tanks....there are only 2 or 3 serious business of saltwater tanks...

The fresh water stores dont promote having big tanks because most of the people dont want a big tank...they dont even think about it....I mean there is no culture of having big tanks....the first fresh water big tank that I saw here in México was in a pet store, and it is the only one I have ever seen in the fact I start keeping fish because I saw that tank...full of big pacus and big cichlids....but now they want to get rid of the tank and they have trying to sell it for quite some time and there are no clients...the business for them is to sell little pumps,little filters and tanks (at a very high price)...

On the other hand if you want a custom big tank made by a serious salwater tank business it can cost you a fortune....

México City is one of the biggest cities in the world and there are no public aquariums...the only public aquarium in all México is in Veracruz...and its far is not like in the States that there are a lot of public aquariums....

There are 2 fish markets in the city...there are a lot of people there on saturdays but they only keep small tanks...they sell more african cichlids, discus, tetras and that kind of fish...sometimes they have little arowanas...and if they sell a big fish is because some people return them because they dont have the space to house them....for example they sell very little pacus knowing that mos people dont have the tank to house is not common to see rare species of big cichlids....but you can find little lobsters, shrimps, iguanas and turtles.....

As you can see none of my equipment is from a fish store....I only bought the pump on a pool store.....



Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 16, 2005
the rock...671!!!
wow! i really enjoyed reading this, it is well documented and put together...the tank, filter system, fish, and article....very very impressive!!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 7, 2007
Denver Colo
All I can say is that is amazing and very nice.


MFK Member
Aug 4, 2006
toronto, Canada
wow awesome tank... even though its soooo big.. the fish seems a little crowed in there

from what i calculated this tank is over 800gal. around 810gals!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 7, 2007
Platteville, WI
That is so incredible! Hopefully someday I can build something to compare to this. I only recently (within the last 2 years) got into fish keeping. I have all cichlids and want to build a huge cichlid tank. Thanks for some inspiration!