• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

My Amphilophus Sagittae journal

September will be three years with me, not counting the time TUIC took to raise him to a sellable size(between 3 to 8 more months) more. So overall age is nearing four years of age.
How long does the species live for. Sounds like you’ll have quite some time to get annoyed by his fishy shenanigans lol. Beast of a fish. Do you ever feed live feeder? I’d love to see him chase down a meal
How long does the species live for. Sounds like you’ll have quite some time to get annoyed by his fishy shenanigans lol. Beast of a fish. Do you ever feed live feeder? I’d love to see him chase down a meal
The wild nature of Saggitae being an open water predator leads to not a lot of research/information available for this sp. I am guessing they have simular life spans as Midas/Red Devils of 15 years.
No I have never feed him live food. He has over the years eaten attempted tankmates such as Swordtails and Spannar barbs. 20190426_110302.jpg
The wild nature of Saggitae being an open water predator leads to not a lot of research/information available for this sp. I am guessing they have simular life spans as Midas/Red Devils of 15 years.
No I have never feed him live food. He has over the years eaten attempted tankmates such as Swordtails and Spannar barbs. View attachment 1465129
Love that picture the scape is amazing. Interesting fish. I think I saw in previous comments that there’s been several batches of fry? What happened to them all?
Yes he spawned a total of six times.

First spawn the eggs got mold and went bad, Casper displaced the female the next day.
He then paired20181114_171120.jpg up with Goldie Hawn and had five spawns with her.
The first spawn ate the second spawn. She laid the two spawns just two weeks apart.20181118_095649.jpg
Here you can see the first free swimmers on the left, as Goldie is laying eggs in the pleco tube.20181206_173932.jpg
The first was grown out, a member took some,, rest were taken to The Wet Spot in Portland, Or.
The third spawn was eaten by Goldie. Fourth and fifth spawn were grown out and taken to the Wet Spot as well.
And here his fry actually at the Wet Spot
A. sagittae.jpg
What ever happened to Goldie? Killed I assume?
What ever happened to Goldie? Killed I assume?
Yes it got to where I had to move her after each spawn as Casper viewed even her as a threat to his babies. This is what happened to spawn three. I moved them with her instead of leaving them with Casper, and she ate them. In the above video I mentioned that he's had killed her overnight, I didn't move her soon enough this batch.