My Aqueon 210 Tank


MFK Member
Feb 17, 2010
New Jersey
SpeshulEd;4175607; said:
I did this in paint, hopefully it'll help visualize it.

The water comes into the sump through the white plumbing with the red arrows on it. The water falls in to the plastic tube (with a bottom) with the blue. The tube fills up with water and raises to the black platform and into the filter socks. The water falls through the filter sock and into the first chamber where the yellow is. The water rises and spills into blue polyfill/drip plate. It drips through the bio balls and falls into the bottom of the second chamber where the orange is. There are holes down there allowing it to flow through the blue foam and up and over the last wall into the last chamber.
Thanks for the explaination.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 19, 2009
SpeshulEd;4175607; said:
I did this in paint, hopefully it'll help visualize it.

The water comes into the sump through the white plumbing with the red arrows on it. The water falls in to the plastic tube (with a bottom) with the blue. The tube fills up with water and raises to the black platform and into the filter socks. The water falls through the filter sock and into the first chamber where the yellow is. The water rises and spills into blue polyfill/drip plate. It drips through the bio balls and falls into the bottom of the second chamber where the orange is. There are holes down there allowing it to flow through the blue foam and up and over the last wall into the last chamber.
That's one of the most innovative designs i've ever seen with a sump. You are extremely lucky. Sounds, like you have the right friends lol. Congratulations. Looks great.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dixon81;4180622; said:
Why not fill the bio section up complety? Thats a nice sump for sure.
That is definitely the plan. I will probably add media to the first section and completely fill the second section.

I hope to fill my overflows too. :headbang2


Fire Eel
MFK Member
6'x2'x30" - I think, perhaps its only 28" tall. A 180 is 6x2x2, this one is a bit taller.

It'll be a great tank for a ray growout. Just need something calm, fairly big, and cool looking for the middle/top that could live in the tank for life. Chances are high, if I can't find anything, it'll mean more pbass.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Well, unfortunately the RTC never made it to the pond. I came home from work one day last week and found him stuck to the floor. He had pushed back the light that was covering the lid's, pushed the lids open, fell over 4 feet and then flopped another 10. Found him almost in the master bedroom. I took the picture below and he took a breath. There was hope! I put him back in the tank and had the returns blow water through his gills. No dice. He seemed to be breathing lightly and would twitch every now and then but after a few hours, he was a goner.

I put my TSN in the tank in the meantime to keep it cycled. The TSN should work out nicely in my pond, but want to wait until I get some fish for the 210.

Also this week while cleaning my 55g in the garage, I noticed the temp was around 100. Took the breeder convicts out and tossed those in the pond. The random blood parrot was tossed in the 210 with the TSN. We'll see what happens with that one.

Got some new lights for the 210 as well. 2 sets of the 36" Marineland LED lights.

I took the legs off so they sit flat on top of the tank. Sorry, not the best photo.

and the TSN: