Oh man, I just put everything together. Can an emergency drain be run as an “over the back” overflow? The drains are not full siphon to my knowledge (again I am a sump n00b). I’ll post pics of the setup I did. The 1 drain on the left is a straight shot to the sump too... not sure if that matters.
@jaws7777 I am running 2 drains , am I safe in assuming less risk of clogging? Also do you know if putting media in overflow box is ok? Thanks bro
No e drain cant be run over the side effectively...to my knowledge.
Well in theory if one of your drains clogs the other wont be able to handle to flow. Its really up to you and how comfortable u are with it. A big reason im getting rid of my 150 is because i cant install e drains on it.
One way to test would be to cose the ball valve on one of the drains.
A couple of thoughts make sure the level in your sump is low enough to count for back flow whwn you tirn the system off or in the event of a power failure. Also drill siphon breaks in your return lines