Doing water changes and filter cleanings so I caught all nine Centromochlus musaicus to sex. 5 males and 4 females. Moved three of the males to other tanks as I noticed torn fins.
My F1 eques spawned either yesterday evening or very early this morning. I leave my tanks unheated during the summer so they have had a 3mo cool period. Saturday I did a 50% water change with cool water and turned the heaters back on. Yesterday, the male were chasing the females and moving into a T position but I didn’t notice the females being receptive. I feed Ken’s .5mm green fry feed normally with occasional live black worms, frozen blood worms and fresh water krill.
I removed 6 eggs but there is a large mat of Java moss that they spawned in and I’m not going to remove that. Tank includes two parrot dorradids and a small school of harlequin rasboras.
Swordtail is two tanks over. Closest is the eques tank.