My Channa from India and Rest of the World

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

@ Spence- Thanks for the kind appreciation. Yes, the Meghalaya Leopards are not seen too often in the trade although not very difficult to source if you follow the right trade chain.

@ bottles- Thanks and indeed one of the more stunning species.

@ Peter- Thanks bro. The Channa cf gachua 'Gold Sheen' does have a different head shape to a gachua but then the gachua complex is so diverse that it will take some time for the scientists to sort it out. I loved the gold sheen colour the moment I caught it and thought it might be something interesting.

@ Bartlo- Thanks for the kind appreciation bro it's just my love for Channa.

@ Jesse- Many thanks and hope to provide some more in the future in this thread.

@ Fat Homer- Thanks for the kind appreciation. Yes, it does get cheaper if you know the right sources (and many of them if you need to keep that many snakeheads!). Buying wild fish which is in reference to my case in India is subject to same trade chain laws as the price increases the moment the fish travels different hands and how exclusive it is.

Thats interesting to know... If you dont mind me asking, how much do fish in India cost? Could be Aros, snakeheads or anything...

Just curious to see the price difference from over here...

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Not sure of Arowanas as I keep only Snakeheads in well over 40 tanks. The price difference I could roughly guess is 70-150% higher for Indian native Channa reaching Hong Kong. This is quite fair owing the trade cycle from the collector to the eventual customer.

Back to the thread, a picture of 1 of my smaller Channa sp. True Blues to go with this post. These beauties are caught 4000 feet and above sea level in Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, India:


Hey, love your collection :D Could you post some more pics of the huge Punctata?
That is an amazing collection man im am so jelous i wanna start collecting the smaller species i just have three giant snakeheads and one baby one rt now but trying to convince the wife to let me get some smaller ones again wow man cheers. Keep us posted!

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@ Zafar- Thank you.

@ Spence- Indeed!

@ Farox- Thanks, would post pictures of the massive cf punctata 'Green Fins' for you soon.

@ Nick- Thanks for the kind appreciation. Hope to present some more over time.

@ Trevor- Thanks for the generous applause. I'll keep adding pictures and information over time.

There was a very special addition to my Channaland last week, something which is truly exclusive at the moment. See you all soon!

Hi guys

Adding pictures of 3 more species which are in my collection:

Channa sp. Five Stripe breeding pair


Channa stewartii 'Cachar Black' - A very dark looking stewartii type


Channa orientalis 'Unknown location' - from Sri Lanka


Enjoy :)
