My Channa from India and Rest of the World

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Beautiful collection. As others have said, that 'china yellow' asiatica is amazing. Love the barcas as well.
@ m.hiko- Very gentle filtration force, a sponge filter works well. Mine usually breed when the filtration is turned off in summer and water level lowered a bit.

@ Nicklks- Thanks, yes Channa are very demanding in terms of individual tanks unless they are a pair.

@ Brucki- Thanks and cheers, glad it makes for some exciting Channa reading!

@ bottles- Thanks mate.

@ warman98- Thanks, your pleuro should grow into a beauty! Nice to see people keeping Channa in Portugal as well. :)

@ dln78- Thanks, you should get some Channa then.

awsum collection
Pretty sure I just sh** my pants. You have probably the coolest collection of fish I have ever seen. Jealousy isn't the word, its prime freaking EVIL! that's awesome. I have always been into snakehead, although never kept one, but if I could, it would be top list. Those fish are so beautiful and for their nature, incredible. This is the fist time I have been on this side of the forum and I'm glad I did. I think you have caused my second bad habit haha!; snakehead tank! Thanks for your post and pictures!
Thanks guys, will do more updates with time.

@ Hydrocyanide- Many thanks for the appreciation. Glad to know you'll make Channa a second bad habit now, a lot of effort has gone in to put all these species of Channa together in comfort hence they're showing off their beauty, character & personality. :)

Adding a couple of random pics to go with this post:

Channa stewartii 'Assam' male

Channa ornatipinnis

Enjoy! :)
OMG!!! WHAT DID I JUST SEE??? SIMPLY FREAKING BRILLIANT MAN!!!! someone informed me to register and see the snakeheads posted here..... your probably the most lucky snakehead keeper ever!! how did u get that may barca??? arent they very rare??? also how do u keep so many snakeheads from dwarf to giant ones??? u must be evil!!!

feel incredible i made a visit here, i have to get my hands on a few more now!! superb snakeheads Tabby7!!! :headbang2