My Channa from India and Rest of the World

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hi guys

Adding some more pictures from my collection of Channa.

Channa gachua caught by myself from a muddy drain 60 miles from Bangalore, India.

Channa cf. gachua and fry

More Channa fry

One of many typical Channa gachua habitats in India

My Channa keeping area 1

Channa stewartii cf. barca (Stewartii caught from a slightly higher altitude place)

More Channa tanks

Channa aurantimaculata female 17 inches total length

Channa stewartii caught from Assam

Signing off with two pics of my barca king :)

Channa barca face

Have tried several set ups but this works best with king barca making him more interactive, his simple and effective residence

Will post pictures of my Channa which are not from India after a few days. :)
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OMG. one of the best channa collectors in MFK!!
flawless. You musta crammed your entire house with tanks. what does ur spouse think of you?? LOLs

@ lix.ma14- Thanks very much. Not crammed yet but many tanks and any more I'd be in trouble, LOL
@ ermgravy- Barca do come to the UK, I work in London but have my Channa in Bangalore and I've seen a couple of stores get them.
@ Decker504- Thanks and hope something works out for you mate!
Thanks Eric, nice to see you here Channa buddy. I've recently started here. :)