Hi all,
sorry for beeing so long away but i had alot of work to do.
So i give you an update what happens dureing the time.
First i gave an friend of mine 6 Pleuros of his 9. 3 of the 9 are for me thats way he got bigger ones.
So i left with a group of 13 Pleuros
which grow very nice and are really amazing in there behaviour.
Last month my Pleuro group moves to the bigger tank 200/80/60 cm approximately 960Liter
Here is a pic of the whole tank
and some pics of the process getting it to his final look.
here some detail from the plants from the left to the right corner
For the members who are interested in the technical details.
3 Chamber Biofilter, each chamber floated from top to the grownd thats needs a smaller chamber between filtermedium chamber.
Filtermedium: Bluesponge, 20Liter S...a Siporax
The Filter runs with a t..ze with 2.500liter/h and a second streaming pump with 4.500L/h is on the opposite installed.
Lightning is done by 3 energy saveing lamps with 20Watt (effecktive 100Watt /6.500Kelvin Daylight)
Thats the whole technic. The Tank stands on a selfmade block of Styropor sorry dont know the english word for this material is used in housbuilding for heating isolation.
But here a some Pics of my youngster in there new home:
and a video of my Pleuros