My channas

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Very nice.
That C. Pulchra tank is looking awesome.

Thank you :). She rescaped the tank herself though haha.

Here are some updates ;).

Channa asiatica, haven't seen her in awhile.

Channa asiatica "red spot" by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Recently picked up some of my 'dream species'

Cobalt blue

Channa sp "cobalt blue" by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Now they weren't very happy when i got them. So i partitioned them. But that didnt work, because the female jumped over.

However, i wokeup to the both of them peeking through their Driftwood cave. So no complaints! And soon, they were both feeding infront of me.

The bold male. He will swim out and feed, than the female peeks out and slowly slithers out of the plants to feed.

Channa sp 'cobalt blue' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Channa sp 'cobalt blue' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Here's a new growout tank.

Channa sp 'meghalaya leopard' growout tank by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

And the beautiful species, shot today.

Channa sp 'meghalaya leopard' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Very shy little fella. So this was the best i could manage. Hope you enjoyed the updates, thanks for viewing!!
Looking great. Im quite jealous .I'm still having an impossible time finding ANY new channa on this side of the world !
Also, I love the shots of you Auranti with tiny fish around . Amazes me every time that she doesn't devour them. I cannot keep smaller fish with mine. My previous pair wasn't as bad , smart fish survived with them, but my current female just goes on a feeding frenzy lol
Thank you DC :). Honestly though, some of my rarest (cobalt blue, meghalaya leopard, baramensis etc) were not locally bought here. The rarest channa i attained from local shops, i must say, should be Channa asiatica 'red spot'. The rarest are thanks to my friends from my neighbouring country :). My auranti will not hesitate to hunt larger fish. I had a Badis blosyrus with her that was fairly large, a size she would bother chasing after. But Badis are smart fishes. Never got caught. Died one day though, unforutnately. Loved that little fish.