My channas

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Some major updates!

Start off with my emerald green, which is a very very picky eater. Extremely fustrating.

Channa sp 'emerald green/garo hill' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

next up, christmas present for myself, a Parachanna africana and an ornatipinnis, which i have yet to photograph.

Parachanna africana by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

These guys sold out super quick. Within a day, the entire shipment was gone. I only managed to get one piece for myself as the other specimens weren't looking too good...

Channa sp true blue

Channa sp 'true blue' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Channa lucius. Grown a ton since i first got this little beast.

Look at that camouflague

Channa lucius by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

And perhaps my most exciting update of all, Channa sp cobalt blue.

Channa sp 'cobalt blue' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

I added some branches that i have been soaking for weeks to their tank, alongside cork bark and more floating plants...

Channa sp 'cobalt blue' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Channa sp 'cobalt blue' by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

THey look pretty happy, and they made me a very happy man this new year's eve.


Truly a great end to 2014 and a great start to 2015, fish wise :). Thanks for viewing!
Wow, no way you have an emerald green.... thats beautiful. Congrats on the cobalts, they look very happy!

Thank you :). Yes they are quite happy i believe. Today, the male seems to be holding eggs :D.
