duh obviously its radioactive, cos have u ever seen a 5 foot neon well they were created by treating normal neons with radioactive waste and it turned them MONSTER
sxcsamman,thats it
if i get pulled over the cop will be wondering what the heck is in there
and there isnt really a monster inside a 30g so the radio thing is just for kicks along with the sign
Wow thanks for posting that link...now I'm gonna have to make some warning labels for my stuff! That frame around the container is cool...never thought about it...but I did have problems with those thin tupperwares...so I always used coolers.
lol joe.
ya i might end up in mijami in the next few months.
theres enough room in the explorer for another tupperware too
can you say twin
first ones to test it out are the 3 p bass i have now.
about 10"ers,going about 20 min away.
we will see how that goes.
also,i read somewhere about putting styrofoam on top of the water to slow/stop splashing/waves,is that true?
was thinking of getting that white 2" styro and cut it just a bit smaller then the tupperware.