My first planted cichlid tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Very nice plants. What type of fertilization do you do? (Im sorry if you answered this earlier in thread, I admit, didn't read completely. )

Its good to see others who attempt to keep plants with cichlids- many think it just is not possible and dont try. When I set up my first South American cichlid tank ( I had had discus for many years-- but, besides that- no other types) a year ago people thought I was crazy to add plants. My tank has geophagus- they do have a tendency to rearrange the substrate in a matter of days. But, like you, Ive added a lot of anubias and java ferns, but also have leopard valisneria, crypt. spiralis, Helanthium bolivianum "Angustifolius," ludwigia grandulosa, and swords. The trick with stem plants with eartheaters is they need to be able to set their roots down fast and dont ,mind movement around those roots.

I enjoyed looking at your amazing plants. :)
I dose 1 tsb (5ml) of K2SO4, 1 tsb of K2NO3 and 1/8 tsb of KH2PO4 after each weekly 75% WC. Then every other day I dose 1/8 tsb chelated iron or Flourish comprehensive for micro nutrients. The reason iron needs to be dosed frequently is that it is only bio available in the water column for a short time as it precipitates out quickly. I also dose 5x recommended Flourish Excel after each WC to combat bba.

Even though pre WC nitrate can be as high as 40 ppm and phosphate 2 ppm, I still needs to dose both to prevent drastic drop in N and P to make plants happy. The first mistake I learned is that do not count on fish poops to provide all the nutrients. Plants need 17 macro and micro nutrients to stay healthy, and fish poops alone do not provide balanced diet.
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I like how you’ve done to little islands on either side of the tank to still give you cichlids plenty of empty space to swim between. I’ve had good luck using Purigen in my filters to keep the BBA at bay, I find with bigger fish and heavily bioloads there are large organic molecules that plants can’t use but BBA can and does use. The Purigen helps by absorbing those molecules before the BBA can use them.

This also reminds me I should maybe take update pics of my tank haha
The twin island layout is not in my grand design plan, but inherited from days housing fish only tank. The rock piles were already set up at both ends to provide caves for small cichlid and cave dwellers. Most plant aquarists terrace substrate to provide height . I just attach epiphytes on top of the rock piles to provide height without losing water volume and caves for small fish to escape. It looks illusionally spacious and not cramped when the plants filled up. Here is a YouTube update of the tank.

I have not thought about using Purigen as I’m doing large 75% WC weekly as the incremental benefit is not likely significant. My weekly WC includes substrate vacuuming as I have no rooted plants in substrate, but potted a few hidden behind rock. One day if I’m lazy to do frequent WC, I may try Purigen.
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Latest update. A disaster happened about a month ago during my 10 day vacation. Before I left, I replaced the CO2 cylinder as it was about running out of gas. I was careless and didn’t spend enough time to observe and assure the CO2 despensing rate is stabilized. I returned home and noticed a stench of dead fish as all 10 lb of CO2 was dumped in less than 10 days. The fish had decayed for so long that the water had turned into stenchy fish soup. I didn’t lose any plants though as they were over fed with CO2 except for exceccive algae due to death of all algae eaters. After a dirty clean up job, I restored the plants and re introduced new fish many of which, fortunately, are available from my grow outs.

Here are pics of the restoration.

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So sorry to hear about the loss of fish. I can only imagine the horror of coming home and smelling that. My heart would instantly sink into my stomach.

The plants do look amazing. I like all the variety.
Yes, it sucks. My last CO2 cylinder last for a year with no incident until I changed for a new cylinder. I guess over confidence led to disaster. An unforgettable lesson from a bad experience. On a positive side, I much prefer to lose fish than plants as fish are easier to replace than established plants.

Here is a video with all fish coming out for feeding. Most of the time, only half the fish are visible as there are many hiding places in the plant forest.

Update on plant species.

Java fern broad leaf and trident
Crytocoryne unknown species
Giant hair grass
Anubias nana, petite, barteri, narrow leaf, coffeefolia, unknown
Buce gigantia, brownie, mini red, wavy green, unknown
Ludwigia narrow leaf and ruby
Mermaid weed

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Update on fish stocking
Bristle nose pleco 0.5 - 2 inch x 15
Lamprologous tretocephalus 2 inch x 4
EBA 2 inch x 4
Kribensis 1 inch x 6
Roseline barb 2 inch x 5
Glofish tiger barb 1 inch x 7
SAE 2 inch x 3
Aulanocara stuwartgranti flametail 3 inch x 4
Pink tail chalceus 5 inch x 1

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This tank is well established now. Except for minor green spot algae on some old Anubias leaves, I have not seen algae of any type for a long time. I still dose 5x Excel per instruction after each weekly WC as a preventive measure., and spray peroxide on exposed surfaces when the water level is low. I did minor rescaping by moving some plants around, which is quite easy as they are attached to small pieces of rock. I also harvest surplus plants for scaping my125 gal which I maintain a separate journal.

As for fish, I moved my grow out roseline barb, SAE, and pink tail chalceus to my 125, and added a school of sailfin Molly.