Very nice plants. What type of fertilization do you do? (Im sorry if you answered this earlier in thread, I admit, didn't read completely. )
Its good to see others who attempt to keep plants with cichlids- many think it just is not possible and dont try. When I set up my first South American cichlid tank ( I had had discus for many years-- but, besides that- no other types) a year ago people thought I was crazy to add plants. My tank has geophagus- they do have a tendency to rearrange the substrate in a matter of days. But, like you, Ive added a lot of anubias and java ferns, but also have leopard valisneria, crypt. spiralis, Helanthium bolivianum "Angustifolius," ludwigia grandulosa, and swords. The trick with stem plants with eartheaters is they need to be able to set their roots down fast and dont ,mind movement around those roots.
I enjoyed looking at your amazing plants.
Its good to see others who attempt to keep plants with cichlids- many think it just is not possible and dont try. When I set up my first South American cichlid tank ( I had had discus for many years-- but, besides that- no other types) a year ago people thought I was crazy to add plants. My tank has geophagus- they do have a tendency to rearrange the substrate in a matter of days. But, like you, Ive added a lot of anubias and java ferns, but also have leopard valisneria, crypt. spiralis, Helanthium bolivianum "Angustifolius," ludwigia grandulosa, and swords. The trick with stem plants with eartheaters is they need to be able to set their roots down fast and dont ,mind movement around those roots.
I enjoyed looking at your amazing plants.