My first planted cichlid tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Update on fish stocking
Bristle nose pleco 0.5 - 2 inch x 15
Lamprologous tretocephalus 3 inch x 4
EBA 4 inch x 3
Kribensis 1 inch x 6
Glofish tiger barb 1 inch x 7
Aulanocara stuwartgranti Ngara flametail 4 inch x 4
Green sailfin Molly 1 inch x 6








Updated pic and video for my 75.

The regular leaf Java fern and Crypto Wendti have grown so large that I rehomed them to my 125. In their place I planted two stem plants, a Mermaid weed and a rice paddy herb (Limophila aromatic) in hydroponic pots. Except for losing a couple fish, there have been no change in fish population. A pair of Lamprologus tretocephalus have given birth to a batch of fry which I siphoned out some to raise in another tank. I have two pairs of L. tretocephalus that hide all day long except emerging briefly during feeding time.



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I don't think I've ever seen a planted mixed American/African cichlid tank. Looks nice. That krib looks really good.
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Nice work Andrew. Great to see how far your planted side of the hobby has come over the years.
That’s a sharp looking tank I enjoyed reading through your thread. Sucks about the co2 bomb that went off in your aquarium, but it looks like you have recovered from it. Ive been tossing the idea of co2 for one of my tanks for some time now. Thanks for sharing.
Nice tank, really cool how you got African lake cichlids with South American cichlids.
Nice work Andrew. Great to see how far your planted side of the hobby has come over the years.
Actually, I am partially inspired by your biotope tanks as you always keep plants with large SA

That’s a sharp looking tank I enjoyed reading through your thread. Sucks about the co2 bomb that went off in your aquarium, but it looks like you have recovered from it. Ive been tossing the idea of co2 for one of my tanks for some time now. Thanks for sharing.
The disaster is part human mistake, and part equipment. Milwaukee is a bad regulator as it is difficult to stabilize the injection rate. In my second planted 125, I use ISTA which I found to be much easier to stabilize.

Nice tank, really cool how you got African lake cichlids with South American cichlids.
I am not a purist and always like to mix African with American cichlid for variety interest as long as their water requirements and size are compatible. Cichlid actually get along better if they are more remotely than closely related.
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