The rack for the 29g is moved. I also moved the largest severum to the 90g as he was being overly aggressive. I then had to move the orange angel out of the 90g and into solitary as it would not leave the severum alone. The two murder beans are now in their own 29g so hopefully they get frisky.
The largest Red head Tapajo
A local hobbiest has just offered me a 8in +/- WC Heros notatus Rio Negro. Possibly a female. Really feeling the pressure to get the two new large tanks setup. If I can determine for certain that my big Sev is a male and this new is a female then the 115g that I have waiting in the corner is theirs. Pick up is slated for Saturday.
Beautiful severum!
I can’t get a good look at if there is any obvious worming, but it definately has the stockiness and coloration of a male, so my vote goes there.