My fish room

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Look forward to seeing if the additional L104 plecos will encourage breeding.

Me too. I will try a large water change in the next couple days as well as warming up the tank to see what happens.
No need to feed the 220g inhabitants today as the SD and corys are spawning. The SD are dropping hundreds of eggs.
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Added a wee little rock to the 120g
Not a good day in the fish room. The spotted rafael decided to take the male BNP's cave. Spotted rafael and the log are now in hospital. My buddy upgraded his wc red shoulder severum and 2 adult festivum to a 38g. This ment combing inhabitants from 2 aquariums. I think there has been territorial aggression with the sev on the loosing side.
Looking forward to this guy as a larger fish. He is a pig.
Snagged 4 CurrentUSA LED light strips from the clearance section for $15ea. Mix of 65k white and blue actinic. Mounted to an old fluorescent shop light reflector. Hung above the 29g rack.

Choco the pig. Couldn't swallow what it had in its mouth and was still trying to get more in :ROFL: