• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

My LFS + Hatchery pics .....

This would be a dream size cichlid tank. I would need about 5 this isze to be real happy.
Atlanta Aquarium
Really wicked shop you have there!

Wish I could find something like it here...
I just saw that tank at the GA aquarium a few weeks ago...the discus tank was nicer though I thought.

There's also a massive african cichlid pond/tank thing at Busch gardens in Florida, outdoors and with a large viewing window...also has hippos in it though
some top notch looking african cichlids in that store.Very clean and organized.Please open up a second store in Boston.
thank you,
I was at the GA last year (ACA) but do not remember a Discus display tank? Nice Aquarium, but I still like the Shedd & Chattanooga Tennessee Aquariums.