My little terds

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Ok so he spit it out. I’m so happy.

The loach is still alive, it might even make it. Even after being in the big terds mouth for almost half an hour. It’s still swimming around like nothing happened. This one has been deemed stupid by my wife.

It seems to be he only one of the group that doesn’t care about predators. It has previously been chewed on by my ornate bichir.

Funny enough. When I was trying to catch all the loaches, I found 2 hiding under my ray. Crafty little buggers.
Well that’s good news! I had a 18/20” Bahia kel eat half of a 12” black ghost knife, spit out the rear half. Anything that can fit in the bass mouth is fair game
That’s crazy. How long did it chew on the knife for? I’m still trying to figure out what their tooth pattern is. Seems to be much less aggressive than an Oscar. Imo.

I wasn’t super concerned about the loach in this case. I didn’t want to bass to choke on it. Lol. I had a feeling it could happen, that’s why I left those ones in there as opposed to my clown loaches. Lol. I’m happy with the results so far both are live and kicking.

The loaches now have a home with most of my old fish. Lol. My friend gets me to come maintenance that tank so I still get to check in on them and don’t have to set up another tank lol.
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That’s crazy. How long did it chew on the knife for? I’m still trying to figure out what their tooth pattern is. Seems to be much less aggressive than an Oscar. Imo.

I wasn’t super concerned about the loach in this case. I didn’t want to bass to choke on it. Lol. I had a feeling it could happen, that’s why I left those ones in there as opposed to my clown loaches. Lol. I’m happy with the results so far both are live and kicking.

The loaches now have a home with most of my old fish. Lol. My friend gets me to come maintenance that tank so I still get to check in on them and don’t have to set up another tank lol.

Got home from work he already had it in his mouth came home from work the next day and found the back half
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I was away for about a week, when I came back I feel like the big guy has had a growth spurt. Hard to tell from the pic, because by the time I got the camera ready he started to swim away, but he’s as wide as my hand. I’m estimating roughly 12” long and the medium sized ocel is maybe 11”

Right now they are still picky af. They won’t touch any pellets other than hikari carnivore pellets. They crush tilapia fillets (I sprinkle probiotic/multivitamins on before freezing), and eat the odd frozen market shrimp.

I am just wondering if there are better pellets for chichlas than the hikari carnivore? I have tried northfin and none of my fish will touch them. Tried both the carnivore and big chiclid formulas. Also they won’t take omega 1 anymore. I still have about 1-2 months supply of hikari carnivore and massivore but I want to start training on something else if possible.

What are you guys feeding yours? Any helpful suggestions are welcome. Tyia
Matteus Matteus at this point I see no reason to switch what your feeding them since your giving vitamins as well, if it were me and I was hell bent on trying to convert I would just crush up what ever pellet you want to use into powder and sprinkle all over tilapia/shrimp and feed then crush the pellets less (larger chunks) and feed and so on until it’s almost full size pellet and then try just pellet.

I use massivore almost exclusively next is hikari food sticks just to keep them striking top water. Also feed meaty foods tilapia, shrimp, bay scallops etc.
Looking good btw! Matteus Matteus
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Good to know, thank you for the feedback. Sometimes I feel like the hikari isn’t necessarily the best nutrition based off the ingredient list. But if this is a good staple I may just go with it for these guys, as long as I end up having them.
Matteus Matteus at this point I see no reason to switch what your feeding them since your giving vitamins as well, if it were me and I was hell bent on trying to convert I would just crush up what ever pellet you want to use into powder and sprinkle all over tilapia/shrimp and feed then crush the pellets less (larger chunks) and feed and so on until it’s almost full size pellet and then try just pellet.

I use massivore almost exclusively next is hikari food sticks just to keep them striking top water. Also feed meaty foods tilapia, shrimp, bay scallops etc.
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