My little terds

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
It’s doing surprisingly well. I thought for sure the big one would smash it, but it seems to be kind enough to it that it is looking much better than it did in the grow out tank. It only eats a small portion whereas the other 2 are smashing everything in site. I do my best to target feed the kel, but the ocels are fast, from one side of the tank to other in a blink of the eye. We are establishing a splash zone around my tank that you need to keep back if you are wearing a nice shirt lol.

At this point if the big one wants to or decides he doesn’t like the kel, it will fit right inside it’s mouth no problem. It’s a risk but I feel like the kel is doing better in the 180.
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Reactions: Tony A.
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Today the ocels were a real dark colouring, not sure if they were stressed out or what the deal was. They were chasing the botias around with intense ferocity, but seemed to like the chase more so than actually eating them. They often liger in the same areas together with out any issues. It almost seemed like a particular one would get chased.

In other news, I fed them tilapia for the first time today. The ocels took it right away but the kel is too shy. Other than the tilapia the kel has been feeding much more regularly.
I threw a few chunks of the tilapia in to see if they would even go for it and then realized it should have been frozen first, but I guess there isn’t much I can do about it now. So I just sprinkled it with a probiotic powder and threw it in the freezer.
5 is the magic #
I also feed frozen fish or shrimp and shell fish . Never fresh :thumbsup:
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Reactions: Matteus
Ya it was kind of a bonehead move to just throw it in fresh but I froze it immediately as soon as I saw they would take it. I am toying with the idea of grabbing 2 more but not sure if I will be able to find them around here at a decent size to keep up with the current stock. I’m also thinking about getting rid of the loaches here if that happens. I’d say right now the loaches are saving the small kel from taking all the big ocel aggression. I suppose I better check out the store where I found them to see if they have any ...
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Reactions: Tony A.
Nice tanks and bass love the moon light. Keep up the good work.
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Reactions: Matteus
Ok so this is currently happening right now.

I saw the big guy chasing the botias and have already found a buyer. Was planning to take them tomorrow. I just called and they will be going later on tonight instead.

Shoot I hope he makes it through this ok. I tried to scare it with the net to get him to spit it out, but I’m sure he has the subocular spines caught in his throat. He shook his head around and it’s not going anywhere.

I hope he can chew it up well enough. I feel so dumb every time something like this happens because it’s my own fault. I just want to cuss right now.
I wonder if there is a way to dislodge the fish/ spikes? I am suspecting if I try to mess with it, I will do more damage than help.

Any help appreciated.!!