My move to the Philippines

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What made you choose the Philippines over other south east asian countries such as vietnam or thailand? Even somewhere more "modern" like korea or singapore?
I have never been to the phillipines but have visited a few other countries in the area, Vietnam was my favourite by far. Lots of australians move to thailand and cambodia is becoming popular too now. A fair few guys end up going there for work and when their contract ends they go back a few years later for good.
What made you choose the Philippines over other south east asian countries such as vietnam or thailand? Even somewhere more "modern" like korea or singapore?
I have never been to the phillipines but have visited a few other countries in the area, Vietnam was my favourite by far. Lots of australians move to thailand and cambodia is becoming popular too now. A fair few guys end up going there for work and when their contract ends they go back a few years later for good.
There are two major factors
First is exchange rate, I get more Philippines money for my American money, 56 to 1 and cost of living here is stupidity low.
Second was in the Philippines they are all taught English throughout the school years and must pass a basic English to graduate. So most of the people will understand you and can reply. Unless if you go way out in the provinces.
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Some minor reasons
Length you can stay as a tourist. You can keep renewing you Visa for three years. Leave the country for a day and it resets.

If you marry a Filipina, you can change your Visa from Tourist to a 13A Spouse Visa. First one is six months, then a year, then five renewals. And I keep my American citizenship, so keep my disability payments.

I can keep my disability from America here, with no penalties, and no double taxing. America has first dibs. Since I don't make enough to be taxed I live tax free.

And of course the people. They are so very nice here. Night and day difference in attitude and friendliness. And I knew it was only a matter of time until I found one to marry. We white men are the exotics here, and a good percentage of the women dream to marry one and have mixed kids.
Here in Panama, we gringo men are not considered exotics, but when compared to the average Panamanian, we are fairly well off.
And because most gringos move here to retire, we are just a temporary bump in the road for women half our age.

When I was considering countries to move to, beyond the economics, and warm weather, I was equally concerned with the fish I could collect, and since Im basically a one trick pony as far as cichlids go, the southern new world was the easiest option,
I visited Mexico ( a little sketchy these days), Costa Rica (a bit expensive) so my favorite other spots were
Madagascar, Uruguay, and Panama and turned out to be my preferred options.
Madagascar was a bit too remote for my sense of adventure, and the language barrier seemed it might be a major obstacle.

This left Panama and Uruguay, because I had had some rudimentary spanish way back when.
After taking a few trips to Panama, Taboga seemed to hold the most promise.

And because Panama also uses the US dollar as currency, and the Jubilado perks also helped, a normal ATM is user friendly here.

I still want to check out Uruguay at some point, but as my odometer continues to turn over, time and its ravages may become more and more, of an issue.
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Some minor reasons
Length you can stay as a tourist. You can keep renewing you Visa for three years. Leave the country for a day and it resets.

If you marry a Filipina, you can change your Visa from Tourist to a 13A Spouse Visa. First one is six months, then a year, then five renewals. And I keep my American citizenship, so keep my disability payments.

I can keep my disability from America here, with no penalties, and no double taxing. America has first dibs. Since I don't make enough to be taxed I live tax free.

And of course the people. They are so very nice here. Night and day difference in attitude and friendliness. And I knew it was only a matter of time until I found one to marry. We white men are the exotics here, and a good percentage of the women dream to marry one and have mixed kids.
One of my uncles lived in Korea as a tourist, I think it was for a year at a time back when he did it, but all he’d do to renew it is take a ferry to a Japanese island, hangout for atleast 4 hours, and take it back. Loopholes!
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I applied for immigration status right after I moved here, so didn't, and don't need o leave every 3 months like some US citizens do.
Many gringos would take the 6 hour bus ride to Costa Rica and spend the night 5 minutes across the border, or take a 1 hour flight to Colombia and spend a night or 2, to satisfy the Panamanian Visa requirements.
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When you arrive in the Philippines you get 30 days initially
First renewal is another 30
Then you get 60 day's renewals till the 3 year mark
Leave the country for a day and it resets and you start over
Unless you marry a local then you can change to a 13A Spouse Visa
First one is 6 months
If still married at renewal time you get a year
If still married at renewal time it goes to 5 year renewals
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So I won't be staying the full year in this apartment that don't allow any pets at all. Cristine wants to get us into a much cheaper house for half the rent. So looks like I will be able to set up a tank much sooner.
Thinking heavily planted with some kind of Amatitlania, dithers. Obvious won't need a heater here. But was wondering if they would tolerate 80 degree waters pretty much year round? Or should I go with something like a snakehead, and what's the smallest?
So I won't be staying the full year in this apartment that don't allow any pets at all. Cristine wants to get us into a much cheaper house for half the rent. So looks like I will be able to set up a tank much sooner.
Thinking heavily planted with some kind of Amatitlania, dithers. Obvious won't need a heater here. But was wondering if they would tolerate 80 degree waters pretty much year round? Or should I go with something like a snakehead, and what's the smallest?
Why not collect some local fish like duanes duanes ? Also I imagine the exotic pet markets there are super interesting, at least In the big cities.
Plenty of options that you can’t find elsewhere im sure.
as far I I know on the snakehead, there are a few dwarf species that stay 4-6 inches. Channa sp. fire and ice would be my pick. But any channa would be super cool

wife and I have been thinking of moving to Costa Rica, just have to find a remote job lol. Congrats on the move
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So I won't be staying the full year in this apartment that don't allow any pets at all. Cristine wants to get us into a much cheaper house for half the rent. So looks like I will be able to set up a tank much sooner.
Thinking heavily planted with some kind of Amatitlania, dithers. Obvious won't need a heater here. But was wondering if they would tolerate 80 degree waters pretty much year round? Or should I go with something like a snakehead, and what's the smallest?
Any of the Panamanian or Costa Rican Amatitlania, or related cichlids should be OK with 80s year round.
But I would think a Philippine biotope tank could be quite interesting.
I'll bet the fish market might be an interesting source of ideas.
If you google fresh water fish of the Philippines fish base has a great list.
The 1st fish on the list below cracked me up.
And if you scroll down, there is a snakehead there, said to reach only about 8"

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