My Silver April Update

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Beautiful silvers koji!
808living;1721543; said:
Yes! Finally, those silvers are coloring up more and more! I never seen red eyed silvers before. Very cool Koji. Oh yea what kind of pellets/foodsticks are you using?


Koji;1722806; said:

Lol thats it:confused: I thought you would be using some sort of awsome asian brand of fish food that cost a ton of money:D. Anyways those silvers got so dam good looking under your care. Oh yeah how do you get the reds in there eyes to come out, this is my first time seeing this in silvers. Is it your lighting? camera?
808living;1723065; said:
Lol thats it:confused: I thought you would be using some sort of awsome asian brand of fish food that cost a ton of money:D. Anyways those silvers got so dam good looking under your care. Oh yeah how do you get the reds in there eyes to come out, this is my first time seeing this in silvers. Is it your lighting? camera?

Hikari is a mad asian brand that costs a lot of money :P at least a fair amount over here :)
Man I need to upgrade my pellets to Bio-Gold...the lfs here only sells regular Hikari Cichlid Gold. Still great food and it definitely gives results...but not like this.
hey koji what is the difference of biogold and biogold+
oh and what ratio do you feed that at?
hey kojicongrats, really nice silver aros.
I wish mine gets that color.
May I ask you some questions ?
How do you make them eat 100% pellets/foodsticks ?? and since when ??
My silver has about 6" and so far he only eats live food.
I tried this one:

but until now, no good results.

tks and keep up the excellent work