Yearly update.
The 4 arowana have been doing well. Two of them, Alf and Fre, have reached 3' for sure, perhaps exceeded a bit. Flap and Delray lag behind a bit at around 32"-33". No female between them, so no babies ever since Kinky was killed in the aggressive 4500 gal a while back. They still settle their differences every now and then, especially during their usual courtship times.
Alf we raised ourselves from a 3" baby back in 2013.
Fre was donated by Freddy Kinkel of Miami, FL in 2014.
Flap was donated by Sean and Carmen of Ft. Myers, FL in 2016.
Delray was rescued from Delray Beach, FL in 2016.
Regrettably, they all have one bad DE, the fish are still quite functional overall, but it looks bad and they can miss or mishit their food every now and then.
We got a new rescue from Orlando and Sabrina of Ft. Myers, FL last summer 2019, it was about 20" then, looked like a female (longer pelvic fin extensions). Orlando thought it was a male, called it Falcor, so we call it now Falcorina. Today it has exceeded 24" and doing great but mostly keeps away from the larger aros and in the back of the tank.
Underwater, 7:10-8:10 minutes:
0:00-5:50 minutes: