• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

My silver arowana in 4500 gal

Re. SD's: put fresh garden lettuce & veggies on a suspended fork overnight, still lost the new lotus growth... hope springs eternal.
Re. signature:
I've been building a totally novel "start-up" business from the raw science for ~15yrs through two global recessions - apparently I, too, don't bother with little challenges. "Yah, well, gives me somethin' to do"
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You're something else, Andyroo from Jamaica :)

... I've been building a totally novel "start-up" business from the raw science for ~15yrs through two global recessions...
You got a thread / blog / website on your project? If not, care to spill a few beans?

I've been building a novel "start-up" business on a shoestring and from scratch for 10 years now, but you and everyone on here knows it :)
Me: <www.seascapecarib.com>, arguably the world's only nitwit culturing/restoring coral & coral reef under private sector/contracting models & landscaping themes.

I've missed it, the business is the pubic exhibit? If still asking, my buddy David designs/builds public systems and is a fantastic tangential-thinker - he's currently doing flow-through land-based (coral) nurseries for CoralVita & The Nature Conservancy. I'll send his LinedIn via PM. Also FishDance does public installs, he's a member here.
The silver arowana lifespan data are a bit scattered... 6.5 to 50 years... haha:

6.5 years in the wild

16 years in the wild "Stained growth mark counts resulted in a longevity estimate of at least 16 years for the silver arowana in the Peruvian Amazon."

10-15 years in captivity
https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/si...ong powerful swimmers,lifespan of 10-15 years
and https://www.aquariumsource.com/silver-arowana/
and https://www.theaquariumguide.com/articles/silver-arowana

10-20 years in captivity

20+ in captivity by another source

15-20 years, said up to 50 years (the very bottom of the first post in this thread)
Fun! I'm half-expecting a shout & quick turn of the camera as somebody's nipped your foot :)
To do same in the huge tank, they might start pulling the little hairs out of your legs - sore. Funny, very funny, and sore.