• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Natural habitats of cichlids

These vids were interesting although it covers piranha and other stuff. Mesonauta, Heros, Crenicichla, Geophagus and more I'm sure.

Thanks for sharing. Love the setups that the footage here inspired.

One frame had curimata vitatta, festivums, severums, cardinals, and a dwarf pike. Great inspiration for a 125 or 150 setup with sand, some palm tree branches, and some branch wood.

Another had a nice big johanna, a shoal of severums, leporinus steyermarki, and a pink tailed chalceus with a school of daemon as a bonus. Great picks for a large monster aquarium 180 gallons or more.
Would it be a good idea to give people a "how-to" of sorts in regards to aquascaping for biotopes? Like a list of tips and unique ideas people have used for aquascaping that some less experienced hobbyists could benefit from?
I did have the idea of starting another thread of inspirational biotope style tanks.
The idea behind it was so people could get ideas on aquascaping.
The tanks do not need to be your own,just impressive tanks that people can get ideas and inspiration from.If any one beats me to it feel free to start posting tanks you like the look of.