Need advice on raising GT fry.....

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Thought I would give a quick update...

First batch is growing quickly, the biggest reaching about 2'' so far. I took the 7 or 8 biggest and put with a yearling female GT, waiting to see how some of these guys turn out. The rest are in a 40 breeder.

Second batch was eaten by a few from the first batch that I failed to remove from main tank.

My pair is raising a third batch of fry right now in tank, I don't plan on removing unless there is a problem. The pair did spawn again during this 3rd batch but the eggs were eaten, not many fertilized either.

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Tonight I decided that i needed to cull the runts out of the first batch. I'd say i had to put about 50% down. Let the Oscar have a couple to snack on but put the rest down humanely with clove oil. Kinda sucks but will give the others a better chance to grow.

Im left with about 20-30 in a 40 gal breeder and I think there is around 8 in the 75 gal I spoke of earlier, and I think I will still need to cull more due to a few round faces. I plan on getting rid of these fry after I pick the best 4 or 5.

Although I like my breeding pair, (especially my female) I don't think they make good looking fry. So I think I will let them raise their current batch and then separate them or add to a community tank so future fry will be picked off quickly. If another good specimen comes along I will reconsider breeding again.

I picked up a couple Rivulatus fry from the LFS a few days ago that look way better than mine, and one is a white seam, so maybe if it turns out female I can breed it with my male white seam.

I will update with some pics once they start looking good and coloring up.
Well maybe I spoke too soon, Some of these guys are actually looking pretty decent.

This is the biggest one, I've been calling it ''Brutus.'' I have promised it to someone so I will grow out for another month or so.

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Here are a few other shots. There is one that I am aiming to keep that I think is the best if you factor size, color, face shape, but hes all over the place. I pulled him, brutus, and another to save for now before I take 25 of them to LFS.

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I like this little female (guessing) but I can't tell if shes washed out, or just lacks a considerable amount of color. Shes got a nice face though. I'm gonna grow her out some more and see what happens.

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This is the smallest one left that I didnt cull (well I tried). Tossed this dude in the oscar/texas tank and somehow it survived, found it sandwiched between two rocks the other night so I gave him a second chance

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Yeah I can’t really put my finger on why it looks off. Rounder body? More pronounced eyes?
Hmmm.... He is unique though:)
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