West1;1966804; said:This is the exact species that All-Happy has right now. I believe he has 2 or 3 pcs in. Pretty fierce looking dude
They look like a payara and a Pug had kids together
oh yeah it does!
DB junkie;1967100; said:Of the 5 Scombs I had the fastest growing one was actually kept in light brackish water.I'de say max size of Rhaphs and Scombs TBD. I asked around to see what the max size anyone has seen a Rhaph grown in a home aquarium and got NO answers whatsoever. If you're including Rhaphs and gibs then you might as well include Cynopotamus and Charax sp..
TBD? to be discussed? if so i think tats 18" is untrue too. ive nvr seen or heard of one larger than 12"
thanks for the unput though