The plastic back. The reason why i plasticed the back is because of many reasons. first being 2 summers ago i insulatedand plasticed a garage, mind you this is a garage about 100 yards from the house. During the winter this garage would get way to warm in the garage, when it was -15 and windy outside.
the next being if water spills and some how it gets past the wood shell it wouldnt mold and rot.
This little 6inch lag bolt is the root of all evil. This little lag bolt has caused me more pain then anything else on this tank. I didnt lag the bottom of the tank because when i put together the tank i lagged the top and noticed it was like 11 so i said it could wait till tomarrow. i completely forgot and i insulated AND plasticed the tank and i noticed that i forgot the lags on the bottom. so i had to rip off all the plastic to lag it. so tomarrow ill do the electric.
i used roughly 1500 to 2000 staples on the tank in the course of all the insulation plastic number 1 and number 2
i used this to pull out about 1000 staples. I would love to throw these off into oblivion.