So, things went bad yesterday. The piriaba had reached 17” and sharing a 6x2x2 grow out tank with a 14” l. Marmoratus and a 20” Goonch was not without the odd split fin or bent whisker anymore.
the day had come to try him in the pond.
As soon as he was in, the vulture cat was following him, simply because he was so skittish darting everywhere.
suddenly he didn’t look so big anymore ( the vulture is over 2 ft). If he had settled I am not sure there would have been as much of an issue but in a darting run he went straight behind the second liner and the wykii started beating on him in seconds. I had him out in under a minute with split fins, clean snapped pectoral fin, grazed bites but the real damage was the shock.
he started stiffening up as soon as he was back out of harms way and an hour later he had given up.
I think if he had not been so skittish he may have had a chance as he would never have gone for cover and into the wykii’s domain normally and if not charging about like a loony the vulture would have left him alone. Only issue then would have been the sperata.
Better grow the Goonch on some more as he WILL want to try to share behind the liner with the 28” Wykii.
We learn by our mistakes.