• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

New fish we just picked up

Have not posted on this thread for some time so will have to check if I have photos of some of my new fish, however……..
Had a credit note for baby bristlenose and saw what I considered a real bargain!

Baby Pictus cats.
Now there usually anything between £12 - £16 each here around leeds in the UK but these 4 cost me £24. Yep, £6 each.

What’s the catch I hear you ask.

They are tiny, 2” tip to tip small, so small they don’t have all their spots yet, heck they don’t have room for spots. So I cannot tell which variant they are, but that doesn’t bother me.
Wanted them for the living room display tank, hence only getting 4, but really like their baby charm.
Love the colours these have now as they get bigger. IMG_5859.jpegIMG_5858.jpegIMG_5861.jpeg
All four are showing striping as well as spots.
Both a nice lateral line stripe but also an interesting diagonal stripe a bit like a bolt cat. Whilst I know it’s common, most of my previous ones were much more just spotted.
A but different looking ones it seems, with muddled spots and lines of fused spots or stripes. Might the light-colored substrate be a factor?
Overall resemble the Colombian garden variety.
The diagonal stripe aka saddle stripe/mark can be seen in other Pimelodus, like the ornatus, and other Pimelodidae too, most obvious are Leiarius pictus, bolt, pati, if memory serves.