New project, will take a long time

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
freeskier;1953786; said:
this is turning out really good! i really like your whole backyard. are you in an urban area?
Thanks, the area is pretty built up these days, new estate been in 10 years, with park lands(greenbelt to the rear), with a 20 foot fenced off gap between us and the park

jjdsplace;1953992; said:
wow you realley are getting though that clay i know how hard it is to move clay and all out to you it should look great when done
Thanks JJd, the clay is getting really hard but I'm getting there, went round to my folks to pick up the dog(holiday break, the cats keep him awake sometimes so it's a break for all of us) and father said he'd give me a lift today, it helped a lot when I was tired from digging he did the barrow work and vise versa.

Since the end of today's dig I've been forced to do a lot of research into the filtration that I was not expecting to do for another month, will update later with designs but I'm far too tired will wait until I back at work for a rest;)
You Are deffinatly known As Grave Digger From now on to me OMG I woulda quit before ever making it that far and my old man woulda got a case of beer sat on the patio and laughed at me and taken pictures
wow I cant believe you have done all that with a shovel... if it were me I would have mini excavator w/ keg of beer strapped to it.

but it will be all the more rewarding once it is completed...
Simply fabulous, my friend :) kudos to you and your dad :)
greengiant;1954230; said:
You Are deffinatly known As Grave Digger From now on to me OMG I woulda quit before ever making it that far and my old man woulda got a case of beer sat on the patio and laughed at me and taken pictures
Get digging then, pictures would be :ROFL:
mackattack702;1954862; said:
wow amazing progress
Yes it's progressing well but I've hit some problems, explain in the update later

BushFishRox;1955131; said:
wow I cant believe you have done all that with a shovel... if it were me I would have mini excavator w/ keg of beer strapped to it.

but it will be all the more rewarding once it is completed...
2 shovels to be correct;) thanks

Loulou;1956228; said:
Simply fabulous, my friend :) kudos to you and your dad :)

Thanks Lou, glad I'm brightening up your winter:)

Can't figure out why but I can't quote anyone on the other pc, and this one's got firefox 3 on it and I can't get used to the new mouse gestures:nilly::nilly:

Update later
First the good news, I've upgraded to 3.0 on this one and everything is fine again must be something with

Very tired today but still been working away, did an hour or so and then my dad arrived and we did a few hours, then he went and I did another hour.

Wheelbarrow number one laid down it's life for the project so I went and got an even bigger one to replace it, it was not really built for the job but the new one really is, a lot better, bigger capacity and easier to move.

Pegged out around the pond and leveled up to the flags, apparently I'm not as good digging a hole by eye as I am at laying a patio, big overhangs on both sides in the middle, I've took the one down on the right which was huge but the one on the left will have to wait, this is where problems occurred, the old stream was leaking water straight in to the hole so a wall was dug out to contain it which slowed progress as dig removing plants from the right hand side that had to come before anything else got dug in case it threatened the integrity of the walls. Add to that Mrs Y came home from work to say 'I thought it was going to longer'(towards the back):nilly: I don't mind the bigger the better but It does mean more digging.

So the plan was for a 15 foot by 8 foot by 4 foot pond, this has now changed to an 18 foot by 7 foot 2 by 4 foot:

One of the cats turned up for scale:

Filter info to follow, It's almost worked out but again problems which mean a hole 2.0, all will be explained:nilly::nilly:


Scratch that, I've just dragged a tape measure and Mrs Y out for a re-measure, 16 foot 6 long, by 7 foot 2 wide(as the hole is 7 foot 2 anyway;)), by 4 foot deep(not including any extra that needs removing for the drains and leveling down.

To sum up:

13400 litres
UK gallon
3540 US gallon
I think that's monster enough for my garden, makes me realize how big the house of Sam really is:eek:

Not including filtration which is coming next.